New Features and Enhancements in Fixed Asset Management Winter 2025

ERP Cloud

The following new features have been introduced in the Winter 2025 release of Fixed Asset Management.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Fixed Asset Management Winter 2025. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Dependencies on other Certinia Packages

Fixed Asset ManagementWinter 2025 requires the Accounting Winter 2025 package to be installed. You must install this package before installing or upgrading to Fixed Asset Management Winter 2025.

Fixed Asset Process Management Improvements

In this release we have made a number of improvements to the Fixed Asset Process Management functionality. These enhancements add more automation to the process of managing your fixed assets.

Depreciation Journal Scheduler

We have added a new section, Depreciation Journal Scheduler, to the Fixed Asset Process Management page layout. This section contains two new fields, Mode and Frequency. You can use these fields to define how depreciation journals are created when you generate depreciation schedules and export the journals.

In the Mode field you can select one of the following:

  • Manual. You must manually export the depreciation journals using Generate Depreciation Schedules and Journals. This is the default value.
  • Scheduled. When you click Generate Depreciation Schedules, the depreciation journals are created automatically from the depreciation schedules, using the value in the Frequency field.

You can select one of the following in the Frequency field:

  • Fixed Asset Time Period
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year

The frequency you select for journal creation does not affect the depreciation schedule time period of the fixed assets.

Finally, we have added a new field, Scheduled Job, that is automatically populated with the name of the scheduled job created when you generate depreciation schedules.

For more information, see Fixed Asset Process Management Fields.


You must still manually post the journals to Accounting.

Depreciation Automation

We have added a new section, Depreciation Automation, to the Fixed Asset Process Management page layout, that contains the Auto-Post Depreciation Journals field. If you have fixed assets that have Accounting depreciation books assigned, you can select this field to automate the posting of journals when you generate depreciation schedules and export journals. The journals are posted with the status of Complete and the corresponding transaction are automatically created.


If you have enabled the Summarization Journal functionality for a company, you cannot automatically post depreciation journals for fixed assets that belong to that company. If you automatically post a summarization journal, it cannot be modified, so you cannot add to it. For more information, see Journal Summarization Overview.

User Experience Enhancements

We have updated the Lightning component processManagementDepSchedulesModal, which is used in the Generate Depreciation Schedules and Generate and Export Depreciation Schedules windows. The Book Type field on this component, which is mandatory, has been updated. You can now select the checkbox next to a book type in the field's drop-down list to select that book type. You can still select multiple book types. For more information, see Fixed Asset Process Management Fields.

Depreciation Methods

We have added a new depreciation method, Alt. Straight Line - Days Pro Rata, that you can use with your depreciation books. This is a variant of the straight line depreciation method that takes into account the number of days that a fixed asset has been in service when calculating the depreciation amount per period. This allows you to calculate depreciation amounts for assets that are brought into service after the first day of a period. The depreciation amount for the first period (month, quarter or year) is adjusted based on the number of days in service and an extra period is added at the end of the Fixed Asset's service life containing the outstanding depreciation amount.

Release Content

We want to help you find all of the information and help that you need to be productive with our products.

Certinia Trailhead

If you want to learn more about the new features in this release, see the ERP Cloud - Summer 2023 Release Highlights Trailhead module. This module will guide you through the new features in ERP Cloud.

We've also launched the Certinia Release Readiness module. In this module, you'll learn how to keep your org current and benefit from the latest innovations from Certinia.


Fixes are listed on the Known Issues page of the Certinia Community. You can access this page from the Community Support Hub. For a brief description of the issues that have been fixed in this version of Fixed Asset Management, see the relevant section of the Known Issues page.