Exchange Rate Entry Fields

The following table contains a description of the fields that make up an exchange rate entry. For clarity, the label displayed on the Exchange Rates tab is also listed.

Exchange Rate Entry Fields
Field Label Description
Exchange Rate Entry ID N/A Automatically assigned unique number for the exchange rate entry record.
Effective Date Effective Date The first date that the exchange rate is valid.
End Date End Date The last date that the exchange rate is valid. Foundations records an end date automatically when a new rate is created. If blank, the exchange rate is currently valid.
Exchange Rate Group Group The group that the exchange rate entry relates to.
Exchange Rate Type Rate Type

The type of exchange rate.

We recommend that you do not delete the following managed rate types: Average, Budget, Closing, Commercial, Historical, Spot, and Translation. Other apps can also create managed rate types. For more information, see Foundations Rate Types Overview.

Relative Currency Relative to 1 {0} The default currency of the related exchange rate group.
Rate {0} Currency Automatically created field that stores the rate for a specific currency, such as Rate GBP. Rates can contain a maximum of nine digits and nine decimal places. Foundations applies standard Salesforce rounding when required. See the Salesforce Help for more information about rounding.

Manage Exchange Rates Buttons

The following table contains a description of the buttons available on the Exchange Rates tab.

Manage Exchange Rates Buttons
Button Description
Manage Currencies Displays the Currencies tab. From this tab, you can view and activate currencies.
Manage Groups Displays the Exchange Rate Groups tab. From this tab, you can view, create, and edit exchange rate groups.
View Rate History Displays the Exchange Rate History tab. From this tab, you can view a log of changes that have been made to exchange rate details.