Creating and Editing Sections, Groups, and Navigation Items
Navigation configurations comprise sections, groups, and navigation items, which you can create, edit, reorder, and delete. Navigation items contain links that open objects, tabs, URLs, and so on, from within the navigation component.
You can use Keyboard Controls within a create or edit window. The controls are limited to the fields and buttons within the window until you leave the window.
Click in the section where you are adding the group, and select New Group.
Enter a name for the group.
[Optional] By default, the parent section for this navigation group uses the section selected in step 1. Alternatively, you can choose another section that already exists in this navigation configuration.
Select from the available buttons. The button is displayed next to this group when viewing this navigation configuration. The button is displayed only on the first level group in each section.
Click on a section or group. For a section, select New Navigation Item. The Edit Navigation Item window opens.
Enter a name for the navigation item.
[Optional] To change the section or group that the navigation item relates to. Click in the Parent field and select a new section or group to associate this navigation item.
Create links for navigation items, as needed:
Linking to an app:
Select the item type "App".
In the App Name field, search for and select the app to open from this navigation item.
Click Save.
Linking to a dashboard:
Select the item type "Dashboard".
In the Dashboards field, search for and select a dashboard to open from this navigation item.
Click Save.
Linking to an object:
Select the item type "Object".
[Optional] Select the sort order for the Object Name field.
In the Object Name field, select an object.
In the Action field, select one of the following options to open from this navigation item:
"Home" to open the object's home page.
"List View" to open a list view that you select from the List View field.
"New" to open a new record window for the selected object, for example a New Account window.
Click Save.
Linking to a report:
Select the item type "Report".
In the Reports field, search for and select a report to open from this navigation item.
Click Save.
Linking to a tab:
Select the item type "Tab".
In the Tab Name field, search for and select the tab to open from this navigation item.
Click Save.
Linking to a URL:
Select the item type "URL".
In the URL field, enter the URL to open from this navigation item.
For absolute URLs to locations outside your Salesforce org, you must include the protocol as part of the URL. For example 'http://' or 'https://'. For relative URLs within your Salesforce Org, omit the protocol and domain parts of the URL.
To delete a section, group or navigation item, click on the relevant section, group or navigation item.
Keyboard Controls
You can use the following keyboard controls in Navigation Configuration Builder. When you are within a New or Edit window, the controls are limited to that window until you use Esc or commit a button action by pressing Enter when the button is selected.