Predefined Sequence Formats

By default, Foundations contains several predefined sequence formats that you can view, use, and edit. These sequence formats provide examples of the sequence numbers you can generate.

The following sequence formats are available from the Sequences tab of the Foundations Setup page:

  • Billing Doc - Company: Contains the company code and a 4-digit number
  • Billing Doc - Company & Doc Type: Contains the company code, document type, and a 4-digit number
  • Billing Doc - Doc Type: Contains the document type and a 4-digit number

For more information about a specific sequence format, click the name.


These sequences formats are not enabled by default. If you want to use them to generate sequence numbers, you must enable them first.


This section provides more information about the Billing Doc - Company and Doc Type sequence format.

You can use this sequence format to create an external document number for your Foundations billing documents. It contains the company code, document type, text separators, and a 4-digit number, in the format Placeholder-Placeholder-0000.

This sequence format contains a filter; Foundations generates sequence numbers when the billing document is marked as complete. Reset Sequence Number is selected on each placeholder part. Foundations resets the number part of the sequence for each record that contains a different company code or document type prefix.

The following table provides an example of some of the sequence numbers that can be generated using the Billing Doc - Company & Doc Type sequence format. The example assumes that your org contains records that include the following information:

  • A mixture of US and UK company codes
  • Invoice and credit note document type prefixes
Example of the Sequence Numbers Generated Using the Billing Doc-Company & Doc Type Format

Record ID

Company Code

Document Type Prefix

Generated Sequence Number

1 US Invoice US-Invoice-0000
2 US Credit Note US-Credit Note-0000
3 UK Invoice UK-Invoice-0000
4 UK Credit Note UK-Credit Note-0000

When you generate sequence numbers, the length of the number sequence part automatically increases, as required. For example, you specify that a number sequence part has a length of four. The number length remains at four until the sequence number reaches 9999. The next number Foundations generates is 10000.