Preparing to Upgrade

ERP Cloud

This section lists things to consider before upgrading to Order and Inventory Management Summer 2024.

Dependencies on Other Certinia Packages

Order and Inventory Management Summer 2024 requires the following Certinia packages to be installed:

  • Foundations Summer 2024

When upgrading Order and Inventory Management, the context sensitive help links on each Order and Inventory Management custom object might not update automatically, depending on the version that you are upgrading from.

Your Customer Support representative can update the links for you, if required.

Supported Browsers

Order and Inventory Management supports the same browsers as those supported by Salesforce with the following exception:

  • Order and Inventory Management Spring 2020 and later versions do not support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 for Lightning Experience.

See "Supported Browsers" in the Salesforce Help for a full list of browsers supported by Salesforce.


Ensure popup blockers are turned off for Salesforce in your browser settings.