Monitoring Asynchronous Jobs
Professional Services Cloud
You can monitor the status of queueable asynchronous jobs in your Salesforce org from the Async Job Records tab.
From here, you can:
- View the status of different asynchronous processes, such as Project Monitor, EVAs, and Actuals.
- Review any errors that might have occurred during the process by checking the Errors column. If there are errors, they are logged in the Async Job Records tab, or an app log is created.
- Use the list view to filter records and display async job records with the "Failed" status. You can also filter by Callable Name based on Created By and Created Date. We recommend you create a list view to display records with the "Failed" status".
You can view the asynchronous processes used in your org from the Setup | Apex Jobs page. On this page, the queueable apex class is displayed as ffasync_JobQueueable and ffasync_BranchingQueuable.
For more information about the asynchronous process and queueable apex class, see the Salesforce Help.
Adding the Async Job Records Tab in an Org
As an administrator, you must add the Async Job Records tab in an org, to do so:
- Create a custom Async Job Records tab.
- Create a relevant permission set and assign the tab.
- Assign the permission set to the user.
- Modify the Page Layout for the Async Job Record object and add all the fields to the layout.
- Navigate to the Async Job Record tab, create a new List View and assign the following fields:
- Async Job Record Name
- External Job Reference
- Callable Name
- Status
- Finalizer Callable Name
- Finalizer Status
- Dependency Status
- Complete
- Result Value
- Mode
- Last Modified Date
You can now search the job records.
For more information about the fields on the Async Job Records tab, see Async Job Record Fields.
For more information about creating a custom object tab, see the Salesforce Help.