Create Assignment Fields

These are the fields for the Create Assignment dialog in Resource and Project Planners.


Field Description

Schedule allocation in hours or percent:

  • If you select hours, enter the number of flat allocated hours.
  • If you select percent, enter the percentage allocation to calculate hours per day.
Assignment Name Read-only name for the assignment defaulted from the Project and Resource fields. Deselect Use Default Assignment Name and enter a custom assignment name.
End Date End date of the schedule.  
Project Project that the resource is assigned to.
Resource ResourceClosed A contact that works on a project. to be assigned to the projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets..
Role Role to which the resource is being assigned.
Note: This field might be blank or auto-populated with a role value. For more information, see Inherit Role for Create Assignment.
Start Date Start date of the schedule.
Use Default Assignment Name When selected, the Create Assignment dialog uses the system-generated default for the assignment name. Deselect to edit the Assignment Name field.


Field Description
Bill Rate Rate used when calculating billing for the hours entered on timecards for the assignmentClosed Connection between a resource and a project..
Billable Indicates whether the assignment is billable or non-billable. When Billable is selected, the assignment is included in billing events.

When you deselect Billable, the Bill Rate value is removed, and Bill Rate and Rate Type are both disabled.

Cost Rate

Hourly rate used to calculate the cost of the resource for the time entered on this assignment.

Note: Cost Rate behaves differently depending on the settings in your org and your FLSClosed Field Level Security access. Cost Rate is either not displayed, displayed showing zero, or displayed showing the resource's cost rate.
Rate Currency Currency to use for the assignment.
Rate Type

Billing rate type:

  • Hourly
  • Daily
Use Default Cost Rate When selected, if the cost rate and currency fields are shown, the default resource cost rate and currency are used for the project task assignment.

Additional Fields

You can display a list of additional fields in the Create Assignment dialog. See the Assn Additional Fields Field Set Name description in Resource, Project, and Work Planners Settings and Preferences.


You require field-level permission to view and edit individual fields in Additional Fields.

The Additional Fields section is hidden when there are no additional fields configured to display in the Create Assignment dialog.

Field Description
Milestone Milestone for the assignment. Timecards logged for the assignment are associated with this milestoneClosed A fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it..
Notes Notes associated with the assignment.