Mass Approval Component Buttons and Fields

Fields - Timecard Object



Assignment Assignment Name to which the timecard belongs.
Billable Indicates whether the hours on the timecard can be charged to a customer.
Daily Hours Hours for each day of the timecard.
Milestone Milestone to which the timecard applies.
Project Project that the timecard applies to.
Resource Resource that the timecard applies to.
Timecard ID The unique identifier for the timecard.
Total Billable Amount Total amount billable to the customer.
Total Cost Total cost for the timecard.
Total Hours Total hours for the timecard.

Fields - Expense Object



Expense Report Name The name of the expense report.
Project The project to which an expense relates.
Assignment The assignment to which the expense relates.
Resource Resource to which the expense relates.
Billable Indicates whether the expense is to be charged to the customer.
Total Billable Amount Total expense amount to bill the customer.
Total Non-Billable Amount The total amount to exclude from billing to the customer.
First Expense Date The date on which the first expense was incurred.
Last Expense Date The date on which the last expense was incurred.


Button Description
Approve Approves the selected records.
Filter Filter the records displayed in the Mass Approval component.
Reassign Reassigns the selected records.
Refresh Refreshes the Mass Approval component.
Reject Rejects the selected records.