Upgrading to PS Cloud Core Analytics Winter 2025

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Winter 2025.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in this Feature section under each feature for details of assets such as dashboards, datasets, dataset fields, or lenses that have been added or changed in this release.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Winter 2025, see New Features and Enhancements in PS Cloud Core Analytics Winter 2025.


To use a new feature or enhancement, you must upgrade your PS Cloud Analytics app. For more information about how to upgrade apps, see Upgrading the Business Analytics App.

Skill Suggestions for Resource Requests

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2025, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2025
Action Further Information
Add the Resource Adjacencies field to the PS Cloud Analytics Setup page layout. PS Cloud Analytics Setup Fields
Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app to include the Resourcing Adjacencies dataset. Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App
Provide Read and Edit access for the Resource Adjacencies field on the PS Cloud Analytics Setup object to the users that need to add the Resourcing Adjacencies dataset to the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. PS Cloud Core Analytics Permission Sets

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added, updated, or deleted in this release.


Datasets Added in Winter 2025
Dataset Further Information
Resourcing Adjacencies Resourcing Adjacencies Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Input Fields


Fields Added in Winter 2025
Field Name Object Name Further Information
Resourcing Adjacencies PS Cloud Analytics Setup PS Cloud Analytics Setup Fields

Smart Rescheduling

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2025, take the following action.

Upgrading Actions in Winter 2025
Action Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added, updated, or deleted in this release.


Fields Added to the Datasets in Winter 2025
Dataset Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Project Reporting Date EvA Assignment End Date EVAAssignmentEndDate The end date of the assignment associated with the EvA.
Measure EvA Scheduled Amount (Project Currency) ValueEVABillingsProjectCurrency EvA Scheduled Amount converted to project currency.
EvA Scheduled Bill Rate (Project Currency) ValueEVAScheduledBillRateProjectCurrency The assignment bill rate, converted to the project currency, multiplied by the estimated hours shown on the Estimates Versus Actuals page. Or, if a daily bill rate is in use, the assignment bill rate is multiplied by the estimated days.
EvA Scheduled Costs (Project Currency) ValueEVAScheduledCostProjectCurrency The formula for this calculation is: EvA Estimated hours x Project Currency Cost Rate.
Billings Measure Project Total Costs (Project Currency) ValueProjectTotalCostsProjectCurrency Total costs from all projects in the project hierarchy, in the project's currency.

For more information about all the fields available in the Billings and Project Reporting datasets, see Billings Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields and Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields.

Services CPQ is Now Services Estimator

Upgrade Steps

No additional upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2025. The new features are automatically available when you upgrade your PS Cloud Core Analytics app.