Forecast Schedule Definition Fields


The Forecast Revenue feature will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend you migrate to recognition schedules and use the Revenue Scheduled By Period report (RM Report Templates folder) or build your own reports on recognition schedule data to gain insight into a company's future revenue position. For information about migrating to recognition schedules, see Migrating from Actuals to Recognition Schedules.

Alternatively if Revenue Management is integrated with PSA, you can use PSA's Revenue Forecasting feature.

Here is a description of the fields that make up a forecast schedule definition and its associated line items.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only

Forecast Schedule Definition Fields
Field   Description


A description for this forecast schedule definition.
Forecast Schedule Definition Name * Unique name for this forecast schedule definition.
Number of Definition Lines R The number of lines on the forecast schedule definition.
Starts On   Indicates whether forecast information starts when the source record starts or when the recognition year starts.
Sum of Split Values R The sum of the split values on the lines.

Forecast Schedule Definition Line

Forecast Schedule Definition Line Fields
Field   Description
Forecast Schedule Definition * Identifies the forecast schedule definition that the line belongs to.
Definition Number * A number that uniquely identifies this definition line in the forecast schedule definition. The number determines the period that the forecast revenue is apportioned to. For example, by entering a value of 1, the revenue will be apportioned to the first period. Whether this is the first period after the record start date or the first period of the recognition year depends on the Starts On setting.
Period Number R This is calculated automatically if Starts On is set to the start of the year. It shows the period number that the line relates to.
Split * The split that will be apportioned to this period. This is a value up to three decimal places. Revenue Management will calculate the split as a percentage of the Sum of Split Values.
% Split R The split as a percentage of the Sum of Split Values.