Adding a Manage Forecasts Button to Source Records


The Forecast Revenue feature will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend you migrate to recognition schedules and use the Revenue Scheduled By Period report (RM Report Templates folder) or build your own reports on recognition schedule data to gain insight into a company's future revenue position. For information about migrating to recognition schedules, see Migrating from Actuals to Recognition Schedules.

Alternatively if Revenue Management is integrated with PSA, you can use PSA's Revenue Forecasting feature.

You can add a button to your source records so that when viewing a source record you can start the Forecast Revenue process for that record. Adding a button is done using standard Salesforce functionality.

  1. Follow the Salesforce instructions to add a new button on your object. See the Salesforce Help for details.
  2. On the New Button or Link page, in the Label field enter "Manage Forecasts".
  3. Enter this code, amending pse__Proj__c.Id to match the API name of your source object:

    {!URLFOR("/apex/ffrr__RevenueForecast", null, [Id=pse__Proj__c.Id])}

  4. Follow the Salesforce instructions to complete adding the button to object's page layout.