Details Panel


This topic describes functionality relating to recognizing revenue or cost against source records (sometimes known as ActualsClosed Refers to the original revenue recognition process where staging data is generated for source records. The Recognize Revenue page and Recognize All use this process.) which is no longer the recommended way to use Revenue Management. For more information, see Revenue Management System Overview.

This panel appears when you click the icon. It displays information about the record you have clicked on in the Forecast Revenue and Recognize Revenue grids.


The details shown in this panel depend on your configuration and template set up.

Key: T – Template dependent

Details Panel Fields
Field   Description
Information T Further information about the source record. Often this is the account name but it can be any useful information.
Template T This links to the recognition template applied. Click to navigate to the template home page.
Start Date   The start date of the source record.
End Date   The end date of the source record.
Total Revenue T Displays the total revenue amount from the source record. If this is null or 0, the value is calculated according to the revenue basis on the attached template.
Total Cost T Displays the total cost amount from the source record. If this is null or 0, the value is calculated according to the cost basis on the attached template.
Description T The source record's description.
Completed T This can have a value of true or false.

Filters Selected

The details shown in this panel depend on the filters that have been applied.


The tabs show more information about the record you clicked on:

  • The Actuals Vs Forecast tab compares the record's actual and forecast amounts. This tab is only displayed if the Use Actual vs Forecast Feature field in the Revenue Management Settings custom setting is enabled.
  • The Actuals Transaction History tab shows actual transactions that have been created for the record. If a transaction includes an opening balance for recognized revenue or cost, the value is included in the Revenue Recognized or Cost Recognized column as appropriate.
  • The Saved Forecasts tab shows forecast transactions that have been created for the record.
  • The Chatter tab displays the record's Chatter feed. This tab is blank if feed tracking is not enabled on the source object. For information about enabling feed tracking on source objects, see Using Chatter.