Field Mapping Definition Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a field mapping definition and its associated field mappings. You must be signed in as an administrator to create or edit these fields.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Mapping Definition Fields
Field     Description
Field Mapping Definition Name * 80 The name of the field mapping definition.
Source Object *   API name of the source object for this field mapping definition.
Target Object *   API name of the target object for this field mapping definition.

Field Mapping

Field Mapping Fields
Field     Description
Field Mapping Name R   Auto-generated number to uniquely identify this field mapping.
Field Mapping Definition R   The field mapping definition that this mapping belongs to.
Fixed Value    

A fixed value to map to the target field. You can populate either Fixed Value or Source Field, but not both.

When you click Create Mapping on a settings record, if fixed analysis GLA codes are specified on the settings record they are mapped as fixed values to target fields.

Invert Boolean Result     Choose whether you want the source value for a boolean field to be inverted in the target field. For example, a source value of True would become a target value of False.
Source Field *   API name of the source field used in this mapping. You can populate either Source Field or Fixed Value, but not both.
Target Field *   API name of the target field used in this mapping.
Value For True   255 If you are mapping a text field to a boolean, you must enter the text value that represents True. For example, if the source field's text values are Yes and No, the value for true would be Yes.