Synchronous and Asynchronous Recognition Schedule Generation

The recognition schedule generate and synchronize processes can run synchronously or asynchronously depending on whether they are started from the user interface, via Process Builder, or via the API.

Error handling varies depending on whether the process runs synchronously or asynchronously. The behavior is summarized in the table below.

Error Handling when Recognition Schedule Processes run Synchronously or Asynchronously


Sync or Async

Error Handling

User interface Asynchronous

Skips errors and creates or updates schedules that are generated or synchronized successfully.


This method runs the bulk synchronize process which both generates recognition schedules and deletes obsolete recognition schedules unless the Disable Synchronize Rec. Schedules field in the Revenue Management Settings custom setting is selected. For more information, see Managing Custom Settings.

Process Builder Synchronous

Terminates on error and no schedules are generated or synchronized.



Two APIs available:

  • One terminates on error and no schedules are generated or synchronized.
  • Another takes a configuration object that defines whether to terminate on error (allOrNone = true) or whether to skip errors and create or update schedules that are generated or synchronized successfully (allOrNone = false).

Two generate APIs available to process all source records or a specific set of source records.

One automation API that can generate recognition schedules for all source records as part of an end-to-end automation process.

These APIs skip errors and create or update schedules that are generated or synchronized successfully.

To find out more about using the API to call the generate or synchronize processes, refer to the Revenue Management API Developer Reference for information about the RevenueScheduleService.

For information about configuring Process Builder to trigger the generate or synchronize processes, refer to the Salesforce Help.

For information about the end-to-end automation process, see End-to-End Automation of Recognition Schedule Processes.

Reviewing Errors

When running the generate or synchronize process asynchronously, you are notified by email when the process completes. If the email informs you that errors occurred, click the View Process Run Record link. From the process run record, view all the child process logs and filter them by the status "Error". Click a child process log to view its message containing information about that error.

Once you have resolved any errors, you can run the generate or synchronize process again. Alternatively if the source record is a revenue contract or billing contract, you can generate recognition schedules for that one contract via the Generate Recognition Schedules button on the contract's Lightning record page.


When running the generate or synchronize process asynchronously, existing process logs more than 7 days old are deleted. This is controlled by the Delete Recognition Schedule Async Logs field in the Revenue Management Settings custom setting; the field is enabled by default. This means that only logs for more recent process runs are stored.