Estimate Role Request Fields

The estimate role request record includes the following fields.

* – Mandatory field




Actual Cost Rate   The cost rate for the role request. This is the average cost rate unless the default cost rate on the selected suggested resource's contact record is used or a cost rate override is applied.
Average Cost Rate   The average cost rate on the role request's associated rate card.
Bill Amount   The total amount for the role request before discounts are applied.
Bill Rate Override   The amount to override the bill rate on the rate card associated with the role request by.
Calculate Hours by Percentage   If selected, the hours of the role request are calculated from the hours of other role requests on the related estimate. For more information, see Calculating Hours by Percentage.
Cost Amount   The total cost amount of the role request.
Cost Rate Override   The amount to override the cost rate on the rate card associated with the role request by.
Discount (%)   The percentage discount applied to the role request when its billing type is Time and Materials.
End Date * The date the role request ends.
Estimate   The estimate that relates to the role request.
Estimate Line Set   The line set that relates to the role request.
Estimate Product   The estimate product that relates to the role request.
Estimate Role Request Name * The name of the role request.
Estimate Task   The task that relates to the role request.
External Resource   Indicates the role request is for an external resource. When a resource request is created from an estimate, the Notes field on the resource request will be populated with "External Resource".
Full-Time Equivalent (%)   The percentage Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) hours for the role request.
Group   The group that relates to the role request.
Hours * The number of hours the resource role will be required for.
Net Bill Amount   The total bill amount for the role request after discounts are applied.
Original Hours   The original hours of the role request before the hours multiplier was applied.
Practice   The practice that relates to the role request.
Rate Card   The rate card that relates to the role request.
Region   The region that relates to the role request.
Requested Bill Rate   The requested bill rate for the role request with any discounts applied.
Resource Request   The resource request created from the role request.
Resource Role *

The resource role requested.

Role for Calculated Hours   The role to use when calculating the hours for a role request. Only the role requests for the selected role within the same parent record are used. If the default of All is selected, the total number of hours of the parent record is used.
Schedule   The schedule created for the estimate's tasks.
Source Estimate   The estimate that was used as a template in the creation of the role request.
Source Role Request   The role request that was used as a template in the creation of the role request.
Start Date * The date the role request starts.
Suggested Bill Rate   The suggested bill rate on the role request's associated rate card.
Suggested Resource  

The recommended resource for the role request. The default cost rate on the selected suggested resource's contact record is used when calculating the cost rate. If the default cost rate is blank, is in a different currency to the estimate, or is a daily rate, the generic rate card for the role request is used.

If the estimate is added to opportunity, the Suggested Resource field on the resource request will also be populated with the selected resource.

  • Your administrator can disable the use of the suggested resource's contact card using the Disable Suggested Resource Cost rate field in the Services Estimator custom setting. For more information, see Services Estimator Settings.
  • Total Discount   The total discount applied to the role request. This is the sum of the global discount on the estimate, the discount on the related estimate product, line set, and task, and the discount of the role request.