Adding Vendor Line Items to an Estimate

To add a vendor line item to an estimate:

  1. On an estimate record, go to the Additional Costs tab.
  2. On the Estimate Vendor Line Items related list, click New.
  3. Enter a name for the vendor line item.
  4. Select the account of the vendor.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Enter the bill amount and the cost amount. The margin percentage updates to reflect these values.
    • Enter the cost amount and margin percentage. The bill amount updates to reflect these values.
  6. [Optional] Deselect the Create Milestone checkbox if you do not want a milestone to be created for the vendor line item when a project is created from the estimate.
  7. Select a billing date.
  8. [Optional] Select the vendor billing date.
  9. [Optional] Search for and select an estimate product.
  10. [Optional] Enter a description.
  11. Click Create.