Real-Time Reporting

If required, you can augment the data derived from datasets in your report with real-time data. This is useful during month-end or year-end periods of your reporting cycle when you might add in journal corrections that require immediate review.

Once configured, your real-time reporting query retrieves any transactions added in Accounting after the last time your source dataset was refreshed, and inserts them into your report, where they are integrated into any report calculations, such as totals and subtotals.


Any missing details or anomalies in your real-time data are replicated in the Analytics data that uses this source real-time data to populate your datasets.

Adding Real-Time Data

To configure real-time data in your report, perform the following steps:

  1. From your report layout, navigate to | Real-Time Data Configuration.
  2. Specify your report query. By default this is Transaction. This ensures that the source of your real-time data matches the data derived from your selected datasets when both data sources are combined in your report.
  3. Specify the position of your real-time data in your report. Available options are:

    1. Above. This inserts a row of real-time data above its counterpart derived from a dataset.
    2. Below. This inserts a row of real-time data below its counterpart derived from a dataset.
    3. Combine. Real-time data and dataset data are merged in the report.
  4. [Optional] You can apply a range of formatting options to differentiate between the two sources of data in your report. For more information, see Formatting Reports.
  5. [Optional] Select whether to display the last time the dataflow supplying your Analytics data was refreshed in your report layout. To do this, select Show Dataflow Refresh Date.

When using real-time data, you can refresh your report table by clicking Refresh. This retrieves the latest transactional, real-time data.

Creating Custom Real-Time Queries

To create a custom real-time query for a dataset:

  1. In the xRB Real-Time Configurations tab, click New.
  2. Enter a unique name for your real-time configuration.
  3. [Optional] Enter a description for your real-time configuration.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Search for and select a dataset to specify your report query. This ensures that the source of your real-time data matches the data derived from your selected datasets when both data sources are combined in your report.
  6. Search for and select an object.
  7. Select an option from the Dataset Created Date Delta Field drop-down list to retrieve the most recently created real-time data from the object selected previously.
  8. [Optional] Select an option from the Dataset Modified Date Delta Field drop-down list to retrieve any modified real-time data from the object selected previously.
  9. Select an option from the Dataset Record ID Field drop-down list to choose which dataset field will later be mapped to the object field.
  10. Select Add Field Mapping.
  11. Select Add within the Field Mapping section to add a new mapping to your real-time configuration. Repeat this step to add multiple mappings.
  12. Search for and select a dataset field.


    Dataset Created Date Delta Field and Dataset Record ID Field must both be mapped to an object field, a default value, or both.

  13. Search for and select an object field, enter a default value, or populate both Object Field and Default Value.


    To add a relationship field, use the following structure: Prefix__FieldName__r.Name. For example, if you want to make use of an Account Field, specifically Billing City, you must use structure in the following form: fferpcore__AccountField__r.BillingCity. This enables you to retrieve the name of the relationship field rather than simply the record ID.

  14. Click Save.


    When using real-time data, you can refresh your report table by clicking Refresh. This retrieves the latest transactional, real-time data.

Data Restrictions

When adding real-time data to data derived from your source dataset, refer to the points below for guidance on data mapping restrictions:

  • To avoid errors when adding real-time data to your reports, we recommend that you do not modify the Transaction dataset.
  • When combining real-time and dataset data, only COUNT and SUM aggregate functions are supported.
  • You cannot report on more than 49,999 transactions in real-time. If your volume of transactions exceeds this number, refresh your dataflow to add these transactions to your report dataset.
  • Non-groupable fields and formula fields cannot be mapped for real-time reporting.
  • Only fields contained in lenses with global filters applied can be mapped for real-time reporting.
  • ID and formula fields cannot be processed by the SOQL query used for real-time reporting if these fields have a filter applied with the Contains operator.
  • Data filtered by a relative date range cannot be mapped against your query object for real-time reporting. In this scenario, you must remove any relative date range filters in this lens, or replace them with absolute date filters.

Supported Calculated Fields

In addition to fields derived directly from the Transaction and Transaction Line Item objects in Accounting, the following calculated fields in the Financial Transactions dataset can be matched with data from their source fields in Accounting:

  • Document Outstanding Value (s)
  • Dual Cr Value
  • Dual Cr Value (s)
  • Dual Dr Value
  • Dual Dr Value (s)
  • Dual Outstanding Value (s)
  • Dual Value (s)
  • Financial Special Period (s)
  • Home Cr Value
  • Home Cr Value (s)
  • Home Dr Value
  • Home Dr Value (s)
  • Home Outstanding Value (s)
  • Home Value (s)
  • Period Number and Special Periods
  • Quarter
  • Reporting Outstanding Value (s)
  • Reporting Value (s)
  • Transaction General Ledger Account Name (s)

Drilling to Real-Time Records

You cannot drill to view details of transaction document number records such as journals or billing documents in Accounting if these records are derived from real-time data. These records are displayed as non-hyperlinked in your report. If you want to drill through to view details of a transaction document number record, perform the following steps:

  1. From your report, click the transaction name entry adjacent to the transaction document number that you want to view.
  2. In the related list for the transaction, click the transaction document number record that you want to view.