Expense Report Settings

You can control the expense report settings using the Expense configuration group. Use these settings to manage expense report behavior.

Field Description
allow-billable-expense-fees Indicates whether users can add Billable Expense Fees to Expense Billable amounts.
allow-delegated-expense-report-entry Indicates whether the expense report page loads resources that the user has permission to create expense reports for.
allow mixed billable and billable expense reports Indicates whether an expense report can contain billable and non-billable expenses.
allow-post-submit-edits-after-close Indicates whether the Closed for Expense Entry checkboxes on parent records such as projects, assignments and milestones only stops entry of new or unsubmitted expenses. When the option is enabled, users cannot enter a new expense report or submit a new expense report that was not previously submitted.
always-use-project-expense-limit-amount Indicates whether limits and rates assigned directly to a project are used regardless of other limits.
assignment-tooltip-fields List of assignment fields to be shown as tooltips on the Expense Entry page.
default-incurred-tax-non-billable Indicates the default value of the Non-Billable Tax checkbox in the details of each expense line.
default-milestone-to-assignment-milestone Indicates whether the milestone from the assignment is used when a user does not enter a milestone for an expense report.
display-account-on-resource-lookup Indicates whether Resource Account is shown as a column for search results in the Resource lookup pop-up.
display-billable-amount Indicates whether the Billable Amount Field is shown in the details of an expense line.
display billable checkbox for expenses Indicates whether the Billable checkbox appears on each expense line.
display-incurred-tax-non-billable Indicates whether the Non-Billable Tax checkbox appears in the details for each expense line.
display-milestone-field Indicates whether the Milestone field appears on the expense report.
display-non-billable-incurred-amount Indicates whether the Non Billable Amount field appears on the expense report.
display-non-reimbursable-amount Indicates whether the Non-Reimbursable checkbox appears on the details of an expense line.
empty-expense-lines-to-append-on-add-lines The minimum number of expense lines to add when a user clicks Add New Rows on the Expense Entry page.
empty-expense-lines-to-append-by-default The minimum number of blank expense lines to be available for new expense entry on the Expense Entry page.
expense-line-updates-synchronous-only Indicates whether expense lines in an expense report are always updated when the expense report changes. When the value is set to false PSA updates the expense lines when the record count is greater than the value in the max synchronous expense lines configuration option.
expense-only-users-default-status The value that the Status field is set to when saving an expense report.
expense-only-users-set-submitted-on-save Indicates whether the Submitted checkbox is automatically selected when users with expense only permissions save an expense report.
expense-report-name-required Indicates whether users must enter an expense report name when creating an expense report.
max-synchronous-expense-lines Maximum number of Expenses lines for which cascading updates from Expense Reports are to be handled synchronously.
non-Reimbursable-field-position-is-popup Indicates whether the reimbursement checkbox appears in the details of the expense line or on the expense line next to the Billable checkbox.
proj-assig-dropdown-account-custom-field The name of the field to add as a prefix to the Project/Assignment lookup on the Expense Entry page.
project-tooltip-fields List of project fields to be shown as tooltips on Expense Entry page.
records-per-page-count Determines the amount of expense lines displayed per page.
resource-load-limit Number of Resources to be loaded for the expense resource drop down.
resource-lookup-columns A list of columns to display on the Resource lookup for the Expense Report Admin Edit page.
set-owner-to-resource-salesforce-owner Indicates whether PSA sets the owner of expenses to the assigned resource. When set to true and an expense is entered for a resource whose Salesforce user is inactive, the owner field of that expense report remains unchanged. This allows users to enter expenses for an inactive user without an error occurring because that user is inactive.
show-assignmentNumber-assignment-dropdown Indicates whether the assignment number appears in the expense report project/assignment drop down or custom lookup.
show-milestone-as-field The field to use as the milestone name field. When you specify a valid field name, the value of that field is displayed in place of the Milestone Name for all the milestones shown in the lookup list.

Indicates whether the project name appears in the expense report project/assignment drop down or custom lookup.

top-assignments-to-show-count Number of recent assignments to be listed in the Project/Assignment lookup.
top-projects-to-show-count Number of recent projects to be listed in the Project/Assignment lookup.
update-approver-on-edit Indicates whether the Approver field on an expense report is updated when a user edits it. This configuration option is dependent on the AssignProjectManagerToExpenseReportApprover configuration option in the Triggers configuration group.
update-asn-milestone-from-exp-in-separate-threads Indicates whether updates from expenses to assignments and milestones are forced to occur in separate future methods.
update-er-from-exp-sync Indicates whether changes made on expenses are carried out on the related expense report at the time the change is made on the expense record.
use-highest-expense-limit-amount Indicates whether the highest expense limit is to be used when there are expense limits that overlap.
width-px-for-currency Width of the Currency column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 120.
width-px-for-date Width of the Date column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 70.
width-px-for-description Width of the Description column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 120.
width-px-for-milestone-drop-down Width of the Milestone drop-down list on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value.
width-px-for-project-assig-lookup Width of the Project/Assignment column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 230.
width-px-for-status Width of the Status column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 50.
width-px-for-total-amount Width of the Total Amount column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 80.
width-px-for-type Width of the Type column on the Expense Entry page in pixels. Enter a whole number for this value. The default value is 170.

Related Information

Expense Limits and Rates

Managing Settings

Configuration Groups, Options and Values

Related Tasks

Setting up Expense Limits and Rates

Setting up Expense Report Web Pages

Setting up Exchange Rates

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