Accounting Permissions

Salesforce Standard Objects and Fields Permissions

For functional permissions to work correctly, you must ensure permission and security access is correctly configured. The table lists the Salesforce standard objects requiring CRUD (Read, Create, Update, and Delete) access and fields requiring field-level security access needed for each permission set.

Permission Set LabelPermission Set API NameTypeItemPermission
Accounting Accounting Object Permission Account Read, Edit, Delete
Contact Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Background Matching and Write Off AccountingBackgroundMatching Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Balance Update AccountingBalanceUpdate Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Balance Update - Merge Account AccountingBalanceUpdateMergeAccount Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation AccountingBankReconciliation Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Commit AccountingBankReconciliationCommit Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Delete AccountingBankReconciliationDelete Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Delete Lines AccountingBankReconciliationDeleteLines Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Edit AccountingBankReconciliationEdit Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Read Access AccountingBankReconciliationReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Reopen AccountingBankReconciliationReopen Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Save AccountingBankReconciliationSaveHeader Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Save Bank Reconciliation Line Items AccountingBankReconciliationSaveLines Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Statement AccountingBankStatement Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Statement - Delete AccountingBankStatementDelete Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Statement - Edit AccountingBankStatementEdit Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Statement - Import AccountingBankStatementImport Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Statement - Read Access AccountingBankStatementReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Bank Statement - Reconcile AccountingBankStatementReconcile Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry AccountingCashEntry Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry - Amend AccountingCashEntryAmend Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry - Cancel AccountingCashEntryCancel Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry - Discard AccountingCashEntryDiscard Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry - Edit AccountingCashEntryEdit Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry - Post AccountingCashEntryPost Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry - Post And Match AccountingCashEntryPostAndMatch Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry - Read Access AccountingCashEntryReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Entry - Save AccountingCashEntrySave Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Matching AccountingCashMatching Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Matching - Match AccountingCashMatchingMatch Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Cash Matching - Undo AccountingCashMatchingUndo Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Currency Revaluation AccountingCurrencyRevaluation Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Cancel Revaluation AccountingCurrencyRevaluationCancelRevaluation Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Post and Post Group AccountingCurrencyRevaluationPostandPostGroup Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Read Access AccountingCurrencyRevaluationReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Merge Account AccountingMergeAccount Object Permission Account Read, Edit, Delete
Contact Read
Accounting - Merge Account - Run AccountingMergeAccountRun Object Permission Account Read, Edit, Delete
Contact Read
Accounting - Payable Credit Note AccountingPayableCreditNote Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Amend AccountingPayableCreditNoteAmend Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Discard AccountingPayableCreditNoteDiscard Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Edit AccountingPayableCreditNoteEdit Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Post AccountingPayableCreditNotePost Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Post and Match AccountingPayableCreditNotePostandMatch Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Read Access AccountingPayableCreditNoteReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Save AccountingPayableCreditNoteSave Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice AccountingPayableInvoice Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Amend AccountingPayableInvoiceAmend Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Convert to Payable Credit Note AccountingPayableInvoiceCreditNote Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Discard AccountingPayableInvoiceDiscard Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Edit AccountingPayableInvoiceEdit Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Hold or Release Payment AccountingPayableInvoiceHoldReleasePayment Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Post AccountingPayableInvoicePost Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Read Access AccountingPayableInvoiceReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Save AccountingPayableInvoiceSave Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Payment AccountingPayment Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment - Cancel AccountingPaymentCancel Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment - Clear Payment History AccountingPaymentClearHistory Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment - Discard AccountingPaymentDiscard Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment - Pay AccountingPaymentPay Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment - Read Access AccountingPaymentReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment - Remittances AccountingPaymentRemittances Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment - Retrieve and Save AccountingPaymentSave Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment Selection AccountingPaymentSelection Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment Template AccountingPaymentTemplate Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment Template - Delete AccountingPaymentTemplateDelete Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment Template - Edit AccountingPaymentTemplateEdit Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment Template - Read Access AccountingPaymentTemplateReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payment Template - Save AccountingPaymentTemplateSave Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Payments Plus AccountingPaymentsPlus Object Permission Account Read
Accounting - Prepaid Expenses AccountingPrepaidExpenses Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Prepaid Expenses - Create AccountingPrepaidExpensesCreate Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Prepaid Expenses - Read Access AccountingPrepaidExpensesReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Profitability Reporting AccountingProfitabilityReporting Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Profitability Reporting - Widget AccountingProfitabilityReportingWidget Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Reporting Balance AccountingReportingBalance Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting - Reporting Balance - Read Access AccountingReportingBalanceReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting Read Access AccountingReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing AccountingandBilling Object Permission Account Read
Contact Read
Opportunity Read
OpportunityLineItem Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Account AccountingandBillingAccount Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Accounting and Billing - Account - Read Access AccountingandBillingAccountReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Accounting and Billing - Account - Validate AccountingandBillingAccountValidate Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Accounting and Billing - Accounting Currencies AccountingandBillingAccountingCurrencies Object Permission Account Read
Accounting and Billing - Allocations AccountingandBillingAllocations Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Collections AccountingandBillingCollections Object Permission Account Read
Contact Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Read Access AccountingandBillingCollectionsReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Contact Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Send Customer Statements AccountingandBillingCollectionsSendStatements Object Permission Account Read
Contact Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Send Email Reminders AccountingandBillingCollectionsSendReminders Object Permission Account Read
Contact Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Company Ownership AccountingandBillingCompanyOwnership Object Permission Account Read
Accounting and Billing - Company Ownership - Manage AccountingandBillingCompanyOwnershipSave Object Permission Account Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal AccountingandBillingJournal Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Amend AccountingandBillingJournalAmend Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Cancel AccountingandBillingJournalCancel Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Discard AccountingandBillingJournalDiscard Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Edit AccountingandBillingJournalEdit Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Post AccountingandBillingJournalPost Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Read Access AccountingandBillingJournalReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Recurring AccountingandBillingJournalRecurring Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Reverse AccountingandBillingJournalReverse Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Save AccountingandBillingJournalSave Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Opportunity AccountingandBillingOpportunity Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
OpportunityLineItem Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Opportunity - Create Sales Invoice AccountingandBillingOpportunityCreateSalesInvoice Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
OpportunityLineItem Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Run Integration Rule AccountingandBillingRunIntegrationRule Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Run Integration Rule - Cash Entry AccountingandBillingRunIntegrationRuleCashEntry Object Permission Account Read
Accounting and Billing - Run Integration Rule - Sales Invoice AccountingandBillingRunIntegrationRuleSalesInvoice Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNote Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Amend AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteAmend Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Discard AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteDiscard Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Edit AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteEdit Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Post AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNotePost Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Post and Match AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNotePostandMatch Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Print AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNotePrint Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Read Access AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Save AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteSave Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice AccountingandBillingSalesInvoice Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Amend AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceAmend Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Convert to Credit Note AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceCreditNote Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Discard AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceDiscard Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Edit AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceEdit Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Hold or Release Collection AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceHoldReleaseCollection Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Manage Recurring Invoices AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceRecurringInvoiceSaveandPost Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Post AccountingandBillingSalesInvoicePost Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Print AccountingandBillingSalesInvoicePrint Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Read Access AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Save AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceSave Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Save Recurring Invoices AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceRecurringInvoiceSave Object Permission Account Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing - Transaction Reconciliation AccountingandBillingTransactionReconciliation Object Permission Account Read
Accounting and Billing - Transaction Reconciliation - Manage AccountingandBillingTransactionReconciliationSaveandEdit Object Permission Account Read
Accounting and Billing - Transaction Reconciliation - Reconcile and Unreconcile AccountingandBillingTransactionReconciliationReconcileandUnreconcile Object Permission Account Read
Accounting and Billing - Transactions - Read Access AccountingandBillingTransactionsReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Product2 Read
Accounting and Billing Read Access AccountingandBillingReadAccess Object Permission Account Read
Contact Read
Opportunity Read
Product2 Read
FM Community FMCommunity Object Permission Product2 Read
FM Community - Sales Credit Note FMCommunitySalesCreditNote Object Permission Product2 Read
FM Community - Sales Invoice FMCommunitySalesInvoice Object Permission Product2 Read

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