Billing Central Permissions

Billing Central - Plan - Delete

API Name: BillingCentralPlanDelete

Salesforce Standard Objects and Fields Permissions

The table lists the Salesforce standard objects requiring CRUD (Read, Create, Update, and Delete) access and fields requiring field-level security access needed for this permission set.

Object Permission Pricebook2 Read
PricebookEntry Read
Product2 Read

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Application Access Billing_Central Visible
Billing_Central_Lightning Visible
Apex Class Permission AddPlanLinesController Enabled
LookupUtils Enabled
PlanRelatedListController Enabled
fferpcore__ContextSensitiveHelpController Enabled
ffui_fileIconController Enabled
ffui_headerController Enabled
ffui_icon Enabled
ffui_navigation Enabled
ffui_pageRef Enabled
Field Permission Job__c.AsyncApexJobId__c Edit, Read
Job__c.JobType__c Edit, Read
Job__c.Status__c Edit, Read
Log__c.IsSummary__c Edit, Read
Log__c.Message__c Edit, Read
Log__c.RecordId__c Edit, Read
Log__c.Status__c Edit, Read
PlanLineItem__c.BillingTermMultiplier__c Edit, Read
PlanLineItem__c.BillingType__c Edit, Read
PlanLineItem__c.ChargeTerm__c Edit, Read
PlanLineItem__c.Description__c Edit, Read
PlanLineItem__c.IsRecurring__c Read
PlanLineItem__c.Product__c Edit, Read
PlanLineItem__c.Quantity__c Edit, Read
PlanLineItem__c.SalesPrice__c Read
PlanLineItem__c.UnitOfMeasure__c Edit, Read
PlanLineItem__c.UnitPrice__c Edit, Read
Plan__c.AnnualValue__c Read
Plan__c.Company__c Edit, Read
Plan__c.Description__c Edit, Read
Plan__c.EndDate__c Edit, Read
Plan__c.IsContinuous__c Edit, Read
Plan__c.NumberOfTerms__c Edit, Read
Plan__c.OneOffValue__c Read
Plan__c.Status__c Edit, Read
Plan__c.TermValue__c Read
Plan__c.Term__c Edit, Read
Plan__c.TotalValue__c Read
Product2.BillingType__c Read
SoftDate__c.AdjustmentNumber__c Read
SoftDate__c.AdjustmentUnit__c Read
SoftDate__c.Adjustment__c Read
SoftDate__c.Definition__c Read
SoftDate__c.Description__c Read
SoftDate__c.EstimatedDaysPerTerm__c Read
SoftDate__c.MrrMultiplier__c Read
SoftDate__c.ReferenceDescription__c Read
UnitOfMeasure__c.DisplayName__c Read
Object Permission Job__c Create, Read, Edit
Log__c Create, Read, Edit
PlanLineItem__c Read, Edit, Delete
Plan__c Read, Edit, Delete
SoftDate__c Read
UnitOfMeasure__c Read
Apex Page Permission billingschedulehelp Enabled
consolidationgroupingmethodhelp Enabled
consolidationrulehelp Enabled
contracthelp Enabled
contractlineitemhelp Enabled
defaultdocumenttexthelp Enabled
discounthelp Enabled
helploader Enabled
jobhelp Enabled
loghelp Enabled
planhelp Enabled
planlineitemhelp Enabled
plans Enabled
plansdelete Enabled
plansedit Enabled
plansnew Enabled
plansview Enabled
pricebookstructureentryhelp Enabled
pricingstructureshelp Enabled
prorationpolicyhelp Enabled
quantitybreakshelp Enabled
recordfilterhelp Enabled
softdatehelp Enabled
unitofmeasurehelp Enabled
usagehelp Enabled
Tab Permission Plan__c Visible

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