Foundations Permissions

Certinia Configuration Builders

API Name: exp_FF_Configuration_Builders

Edit component configuration files.

Salesforce Standard Objects and Fields Permissions

The table lists the Salesforce standard objects requiring CRUD (Read, Create, Update, and Delete) access and fields requiring field-level security access needed for this permission set.

Object Permission ErpInternalEvent__e Create, Read Edit component configuration files.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission exp_builderController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_builderUtils Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_configurationItem Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_configurationItemController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_configurationItemMetadata Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_configurationItemReader Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_configurationItemSelector Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_configurationItemService Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_configurationItemTypes Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_configurationItemWriter Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_helpController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_helpLoader Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_highlightsBuilderController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_highlightsBuilderService Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_highlightsCardDialogController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labHelper Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labPicklistCalculationTypes Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labPicklistDateFields Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labPicklistHighlights Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labPicklistNavigation Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labPicklistNumericalFields Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labPicklistPercentageFields Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labPicklistPicklistFields Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_labPicklistThresholdColors Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_metadataOperations Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_navigationBuilderController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_platformEvents Enabled Edit component configuration files.
exp_schemaProvider Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_dependency Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_describeSObject Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_documentController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_documentSelector Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_fileIconController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_icon Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_navigation Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_pageRef Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_schemaUtils Enabled Edit component configuration files.
ffui_utils Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_analyticalObjectsSelector Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_api Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_app Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_appDefinition Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_appDefinitionSelector Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_appDefinitionService Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_currencySelector Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_customAlertController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_customAlertService Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_customAlertServiceImpl Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_http Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_kpiDataProvider Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_labPicklistAllObjects Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_labPicklistHelper Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_listViewController Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_listViewInfo Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_listViewMetadata Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_listViewSelector Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_listViewService Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_listViewServiceImpl Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_navigation Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_navigationService Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_queryLexer Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_recordCounter Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_rest Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_schemaUtils Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_securityUtil Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_securityUtilImpl Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_tab Enabled Edit component configuration files.
wksp_tabsMetadata Enabled Edit component configuration files.
Field Permission exp_configurationItem__c.LargeData__c Edit, Read Edit component configuration files.
Object Permission exp_configurationItem__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete, View All, Modify All Edit component configuration files.
Apex Page Permission wksp_api Enabled Edit component configuration files.
Tab Permission exp_highlightsBuilder Visible Edit component configuration files.
exp_navigationBuilder Visible Edit component configuration files.
exp_globalNavigationBuilder Visible Edit component configuration files.

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