Customer Success Cloud – PSA Connector Data Dictionary


Label: CSC - PSA Connector Process Settings

Contains settings to modify system processes in Customer Success Cloud – PSA Connector.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Bypass_Assignment_Trigger__c Bypass Assignment Trigger January 2024 If selected, disables the trigger for assignments in PSA.

Checkbox false
Bypass_Playbook_Task_Assignment_Trigger__c Bypass Playbook Task Assignment Trigger January 2024 If selected, disables the trigger for playbook task assignments.

Checkbox false
Bypass_Playbook_Task_Trigger__c Bypass Playbook Task Trigger January 2024 If selected, disables the trigger for playbook tasks.

Checkbox false
Bypass_Project_Trigger__c Bypass Project Trigger January 2024 If selected, disables the trigger for projects.

Checkbox false

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