Order and Inventory Management Permissions

OIM - Manage Inventory Infrastructure

API Name: Manage_Inventory_Infrastructure

Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Application Access Inventory_Management Visible Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Management_Lightning Visible Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Receiving_and_Shipping Visible Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Receiving_and_Shipping_Lightning Visible Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Apex Class Permission fferpcore__ContextSensitiveHelpController Enabled Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Field Permission Address__c.Create_New__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Address__c.Line2__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Address__c.PostalCode__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Address__c.RecordType__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
ICP__c.Address__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
ICP__c.Create_New__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
ICP__c.Currency__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
ICP__c.Manager__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
ICP__c.RecordType__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
ICP__c.Reseller_Number__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Location__c.Active__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Location__c.Address__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Location__c.ICP__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Location__c.Level2__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Location__c.Level3__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Location__c.Level4__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Location__c.Level5__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Warehouse__c.Active__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Warehouse__c.Address__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Warehouse__c.Create_New__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Warehouse__c.Default__c Edit, Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Warehouse__c.RecordType__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Object Permission Address__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Currency_Master__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
ICP__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Location__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Position__c Read Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Warehouse__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Apex Page Permission InventoryLocation Enabled Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
InventoryNetwork Enabled Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Tab Permission Inventory_Location__c Visible Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.
Inventory_Network Visible Includes the required permissions to view, create, edit, clone, and delete inventory control points, warehouses, and inventory locations.

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