Apex Class Permission |
RPGPtoDimensionMappingsController |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
AdministrationSettingsController |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
JobScheduleController |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
DocumentConversionController |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
RestoreDefaultSRPMappingsController |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
Field Permission |
ExpenseTypeGLAMapping__c.ExpenseType__c |
Edit, Read |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
ExpenseTypeGLAMapping__c.GLACodeBillable__c |
Edit, Read |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
ExpenseTypeGLAMapping__c.GLACodeNonBillable__c |
Edit, Read |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
pse__Billing_Event_Item__c.pse__Category__c |
Read |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
Object Permission |
pse__Billing_Event_Item__c |
Read |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
Apex Page Permission |
convertbetoinvoicecredit |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertbetoinvoicecreditHelp |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertbetoinvoicescredits |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertempexpstopcrnotes |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertempexpstopinvs |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertempexptoinvoicecredit |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertempexptoinvoicescredits |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertempexptopcrnote |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertempexptopinv |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertertoinvoicecredit |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertertoinvoicescredits |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertexpensereporttopcrn |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertexpensereporttopcrns |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertexpensereporttopinv |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertexpensereporttopinvs |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertexpensereporttopinvsHelp |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertjournallinestomiscadjs |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertjournallinestomiscadjsHelp |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertmiscadjustmentstojournals |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertmiscadjustmenttojournal |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertmiscstoJournalsHelp |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertpIexpenselinestomiscadjs |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertpIexpenselinestomiscadjsHelp |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertpcnexpenselinestomiscadjsHelp |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertpcreditnoteexplinestomiscadjs |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertvinvstopcrnotes |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertvinvstopinvs |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertvinvstopinvsHelp |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertvinvtopcrnote |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertvinvtopinv |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertvitoinvoicecredit |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
convertvitoinvoicescredits |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
manageintegration |
Enabled |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
Tab Permission |
Administration |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
BE_to_SIN_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
BE_to_SCN_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
ER_to_PIN_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
ER_to_PCN_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
VI_to_PIN_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
VI_to_PCN_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
JLI_to_MA_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
PCNELI_to_MA_External_Cost_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
PCNELI_to_MA_Recharge_Customer_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
PINELI_to_MA_External_Cost_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
PINELI_to_MA_Recharge_Customer_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
SIN_to_SCN_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
MA_to_Journal_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
ExpenseTypeGLAMapping__c |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |
RPGP_to_Dimension_Mappings |
Visible |
Access the PSA – Accounting Connector Administration page to schedule jobs and manage mappings. |