Professional Services Automation REST API Developer Reference


Returns weekly scheduled hours information for schedules. Request Keys - ScheduleIds - The schedule ids whose weekly scheduled hours info needs to be fetched. WeekStartDay - The week's start day. Accepted values are - 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'. StartDate - The start date of the range whose data need to be fetched in format YYYY-MM-DD, such as 2018-04-24. EndDate - The end date of the range whose data need to be fetched in format YYYY-MM-DD, such as 2018-04-24. BatchSize - The batch size to process limited number of schedule ids. Its value should be greater than zero. TransactionTimeLimit - The transaction time limit in milliseconds. Its value should be greater than zero.
Response Keys (Success) - ScheduledHoursForWeeksById - A map where the key is a schedule id and the value is a map. For this value map, the key is the week start date and the value is scheduled hours for that week. ScheduleIdsByError - A map where the key is an error message (occurred during processing) and the value is a set of schedule ids associated with that error message. RemainingScheduleIds - The set of remaining schedule ids that were not processed may be due to cpu time limit, query limit, batch size or transaction time limit.
Response Keys (Failure) - Message - A string containing the error message that occurred while processing.


URI /services/apexrest/pse/v1.0/schedules/*
Description Gets the weekly scheduled hours details.

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