Revenue Management Permissions

RevMan Analytics

API Name: RevenueRecognitionAnalyticsReadAccess

Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission fferpcore__ContextSensitiveHelpController Enabled Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleBulkGenerateController Enabled Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleGridController Enabled Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RSLinesDetailModalController Enabled Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
Field Permission RecognitionPeriod__c.EndDate__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RecognitionPeriod__c.StartDate__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.Account__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.AnalysisItem1__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.AnalysisItem2__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.AnalysisItem3__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.AnalysisItem4__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.Company__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.DisplayInformation__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.PerformanceObligation__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.RecognitionMethod__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.RevenueStream__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c.Product__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.AmortizedCost__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.AmortizedCostAsCurrency__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.Cost__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.CostAsCurrency__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.DisplayInformation__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.Engagement__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.PerformanceObligation__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.PeriodEnd__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.PeriodStart__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.RecognizedRevenue__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.RecognizedRevenueAsCurrency__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.RecognitionStatus__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.Revenue__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.RevenueAsCurrency__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c.RevenueContract__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.Description__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.Error__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.ErrorLog__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.ErrorsManager__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.GroupedBy__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.LegislationType__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.OriginatingProcess__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.Period__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.RecognitionMethod__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.RecognitionPeriod__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.RecognitionStream__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.RevenueManagementBackgroundProcess__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.Status__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalAmortizedBalanceSheet__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalAmortizedIncomeStatement__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalBalanceSheet__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalFailedLines__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalIncomeStatement__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalLineAmortizedBalanceSheet__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalLineAmortizedIncomeStatement__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalLineBalanceSheet__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalLineIncomeStatement__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalSummaryAmortizedBalanceSheet__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalSummaryAmortizedIncomeStatement__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalSummaryBalanceSheet__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalSummaryIncomeStatement__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalSummaryTransactions__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c.TotalTransactionLines__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.Account__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.ActualVsForecastRelationship__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmortizedOpeningBalance__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmortizedOpeningBalanceDual__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmortizedOpeningBalanceHome__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmortizedToDate__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmountAmortized__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmountAmortizedDual__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmountAmortizedHome__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmountRecognizedDual__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AmountRecognizedHome__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AnalysisItem1__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AnalysisItem2__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AnalysisItem3__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.AnalysisItem4__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.Company__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.CostAccount__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.CostAmended__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.CostCenter__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.CostCostCenter__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.Currency__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.DocumentCurrencyRate__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.DualCurrency__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.DualCurrencyRate__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.HomeCurrency__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.InternalAmortizedAmount__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.InternalAmount__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.JournalAmortizedAmount__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.JournalAmortizedDualAmount__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.JournalAmortizedHomeAmount__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.JournalAmount__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.JournalAmountDual__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.JournalAmountHome__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.Level3ObjectRecordName__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.Level4ObjectRecordName__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.PerformanceObligation__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.Period__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.PrimaryObjectRecordName__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.Product__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.RecognizedDate__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.RecognizedOpeningBalance__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.RecognizedOpeningBalanceDual__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.RecognizedOpeningBalanceHome__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.RecognizedToDate__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.RevenueAmended__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.RevenueContract__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.RevenueScheduleLine__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.SalesforceAccount__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.SecondaryObjectRecordName__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c.Template__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueContract__c.Engagement__c Read Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
Object Permission PerformanceObligation__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
PerformanceObligationLineItem__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RecognitionPeriod__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RecognitionYear__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueContract__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueSchedule__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueScheduleLine__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.
RevenueRecognitionTransactionLine__c Read, View All Assign this to the Integration User to extract data from your Revenue Management objects and display it in Business Analytics.

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