Tax Reporting Permissions

Tax Reporting - Generate Reports for Single Company

API Name: VATReturnReportsGenerateReportforSingleCompany

Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission BasBoxesDatatableController Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BasGenerateController Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BasReconcileController Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
Form1099Controller Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
LookupSearchController Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
SearchComboboxWrapperController Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VATLightningController Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
fferpcore__ContextSensitiveHelpController Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
Field Permission BusinessActivityStatement__c.ABN__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.AccountingCurrency__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount1A__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount1B__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount1C__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount1D__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount1E__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount1F__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount4__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount5A__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount5B__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount6A__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount6B__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount7C__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount7D__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount7__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount8A__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount8B__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Amount9__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.ContactPerson__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.ContactPhoneNumber__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Date__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.DocumentID__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.F1__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.F2__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.F3__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.F4__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.FormDueOn__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G10__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G11__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G1IncludesGST__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G1__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G21__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G22__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G23__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G24__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G2__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.G3__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.GSTAccountingMethod__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.IncludeOutdated__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Is8aMoreThan8b__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.OwnerCompany__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.PaymentDueOn__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.Status__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.T11__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.T1__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.T2__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.T3__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.T4__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.T7__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.T8__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.T9__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.TaxGroup__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.VatReturn__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.W1__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.W2__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.W3__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.W4__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
BusinessActivityStatement__c.W5__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.AccountCurrency__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.AccountValue__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.Account__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.DocumentDate__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.DocumentNumber__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.DocumentType__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.ECCountryCode__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.FullyVATReported__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.MultiGrossBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.MultiNetBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.MultiTaxBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.NetBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.NetReported__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.OwnerCompany__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.PaidAccountValue__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.Reconciled__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.TaxBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.TaxCodeName__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.TaxCode__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.TaxReported__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.TransactionLineItem__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.Transaction__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.VATRegistrationNumber__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.VATReturnType__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.VATStatus__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c.VendorDocumentNumber__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box1Sum__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box1__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box2Sum__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box2__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box3__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box4__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box5__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box6Sum__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box6__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box7RoundedDown__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box7__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box8Sum__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box8__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box9RoundedDown__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Box9__c Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.BusinessActivityStatement__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.GroupOfCompanies__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.IncludeOutdated__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.IsBas__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.OwnerCompany__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.PeriodAndCompany__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Status__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.SubmissionReceiptReferenceNumber__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.TaxCodeInconsistent__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Timestamp__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.TotalVATReportedTransactions__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.Type__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c.VATGroup__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c.MultiGrossBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c.MultiGrossbox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c.MultiNetBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c.MultiTaxBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c.MultiTaxbox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c.NetBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c.TaxBox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c.Taxbox__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
fferpcore__AccountExtension__c.AccountLegalName__c Edit, Read Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
Object Permission BusinessActivityStatement__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReportedTransaction__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturn__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
c2g__codaTaxCode__c Read, Edit Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
Apex Page Permission VatReturndelete Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturnnew Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturnrefresh Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
VatReturnview Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
vatreturnprint Enabled Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
Tab Permission BusinessActivityStatement__c Visible Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
HMRCVATReturn Available Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
TaxReportingTaskLauncher Visible Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.
vatReturn__c Visible Create, edit, and process VAT return reports, business activity statements, and Forms 1099 for a single company.

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