Tax Reporting Data Dictionary


Label: VAT Report Settings

Setting related to VAT Report Generation

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
ECSalesListReportName__c EC Sales List Report Name Pre-Winter 2019 Unique Name of 'EC Sales List Report'

Text(255) "ECSalesListReportSummer19"
VATBreakdownReportName__c VAT Breakdown Report Name Pre-Winter 2019 Unique Name of 'VAT Breakdown Report'

Text(255) "VATReturnBreakdownReportSummer19"
VATReportEmailTemplate__c VAT Report Email Template Pre-Winter 2019 "Template Unique Name" of VisualForce Email template used to send VAT Report completion email.

Text(255) "VATReportCompletedConfirmation"

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