FAM.DepreciationScheduleRoundingServiceglobal with sharing class DepreciationScheduleRoundingService This class is used to round a generated depreciation schedule. This class is marked as global and is available for use with custom Depreciation Method Calculation classes. Methods
roundglobal static void round(List<FAM__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c> depreciationSchedules, Decimal expectedTotalAmount) This method rounds the depreciation amounts of the list of depreciation schedules to two decimal places and then corrects rounding errors by adding the difference of the total rounded values and the total expected amount to the depreciation amount of the final depreciation schedule. This method does not interact with the database at any stage. This method expects the caller to query the objects and to update the resulting objects after it finishes executing. The required fields are: Input Parameters
Exceptions Thrown
roundWithoutCorrectionglobal static void roundWithoutCorrection(List<FAM__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c> depreciationSchedules) This method rounds the depreciation amounts of the list of depreciation schedules. This method does not interact with the database at any stage. This method expects the caller to query the objects and to update the resulting objects after it finishes executing. The required fields are: Input Parameters
Exceptions Thrown