FAM - Asset Group - Read |
View all records of fixed asset groups and sub-groups organized into relevant groups. |
FAMViewAssetGroups Changes |
FAM - Depreciation Book - Manage |
Manage all records of depreciation books containing the information needed to calculate depreciation schedules for a fixed asset. Create and apply depreciation methods to depreciation books. |
ManageDepreciationBooks Changes |
FAM - Depreciation Book - Read |
View all records of depreciation books containing the information needed to calculate depreciation schedules for a fixed asset. |
FAMViewDepreciationBooks Changes |
FAM - Depreciation Schedule - Export |
Export depreciation schedules for multiple fixed assets simultaneously. |
FAMExportDepreciationSchedules Changes |
FAM - Depreciation Schedule - Generate |
Generate depreciation schedules for multiple fixed assets simultaneously. |
FAMGenerateDepreciationSchedules Changes |
FAM - Depreciation Schedule - Generate and Export |
Generate and export depreciation schedules for multiple fixed assets simultaneously. |
FAMGenerateAndExportDepreciationSchedules Changes |
FAM - Fixed Asset - Create |
Create and edit records of your company’s fixed assets. |
FAMCreateFixedAssets Changes |
FAM - Fixed Asset - Manage |
View, create, edit, delete, cancel, dispose of, and submit the fixed asset for approval. |
ManageFixedAssets Changes |
FAM - Fixed Asset - Read |
View all records of your company’s fixed assets. |
FAMViewFixedAssets Changes |
FAM - Fixed Asset - Submit for Approval |
Submit single or multiple fixed assets for approval. |
FAMSubmitFixedAssetsForApproval Changes |