Professional Services Automation Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class ScheduleSaveDTO

This object stores a schedule and allows changes to its schedule exceptions.


Name Type Description
ScheduleId Id The ID of the schedule record. Leave blank if you are inserting a new record or provide the existing value if you are updating a record.
StartDate Date The start date of the schedule.
EndDate Date The end date of the schedule.
MondayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Mondays.
TuesdayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Tuesdays.
WednesdayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Wednesdays.
ThursdayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Thursdays.
FridayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Fridays.
SaturdayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Saturdays.
SundayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Sundays.
CustomFieldsData Map<SObjectField, Object> A map of field to value. Use CustomFieldsData to write data to custom fields on pse__Schedule__c. For example externalId fields used in integrations.
ExceptionsToInsert List<pse.ScheduleSaveDTO.ScheduleExceptionDTO> A list of schedule exceptions to be added to this schedule.
ExceptionsToUpdate List<pse.ScheduleSaveDTO.ScheduleExceptionDTO> A list of schedule exceptions to be updated on this schedule.
ExceptionsToDelete Set<Id> The IDs of schedule exceptions to be deleted from this schedule.



global ScheduleSaveDTO()


global with sharing class ScheduleExceptionDTO implements Comparable


Name Type Description
ScheduleExceptionId Id The ID of the schedule exception record. Leave blank if you are inserting a new record or provide the existing value if you are updating a record.
StartDate Date The start date of the schedule exception.
EndDate Date The end date of the schedule exception.
MondayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Mondays.
TuesdayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Tuesdays.
WednesdayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Wednesdays.
ThursdayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Thursdays.
FridayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Fridays.
SaturdayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Saturdays.
SundayHours Decimal Hours scheduled for Sundays.
ExceptionHours Decimal Indicates the exception hours.
CustomFieldsData Map<SObjectField, Object> A map of field to value. Use CustomFieldsData to write data to custom fields on pse__Schedule_Exception__c. For example externalId fields used in integrations.
ValidationErrors List<String> Set by PSA when saving. A non-empty list indicates this Exception overlaps with other exceptions on the same schedule.
SaveErrors List<String> Set by PSA when saving. An empty list indicates the record was saved successfully.



global ScheduleExceptionDTO()


global with sharing class SaveResult

Contains the results of saving a ScheduleSaveDTO, including the IDs of newly created records and any validation or database errors.


Name Type Description
ScheduleId Id The ID of the schedule record, if known.
Valid Boolean If true, it indicates that no validation errors were found. If false, check the InsertExceptions and UpdateExceptions for details.
Success Boolean If true, it indicates that the validation was successful, and all the records were saved successfully.
SaveErrors List<String> Any errors occurred while saving the schedule record. Errors related to specific schedule exceptions are stored separately. Only used when saving with allOrNone=false.
InsertExceptions List<pse.ScheduleSaveDTO.ScheduleExceptionDTO> All the exceptions provided in ExceptionsToInsert with ID populated when save was successful. ValidationErrors is populated on any with validation errors. SaveErrors is populated with any errors saving when allOrNone=false.
UpdateExceptions List<pse.ScheduleSaveDTO.ScheduleExceptionDTO> All the exceptions provided in ExceptionsToUpdate. ValidationErrors is populated on any with validation errors. SaveErrors is populated with any errors saving when allOrNone=false.
DeleteExceptionsErrors Map<Id, List<String>> Any Schedule Exceptions that fail to be deleted when allOrNone is set to false will be added here along with the error messages.
InvalidDatabaseScheduleExceptions Set<Id> The IDs of schedule exceptions that were found in the database that overlap with the provided data.
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