Professional Services Automation Workspaces Data Dictionary


Label: pse__Time_Variance_Detail__c

Adding fields to an object in a different managed package

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
Is_Last_Week__c Is Last Week Fall 2020 The formula field checks whether the related Time Variance Calculations Date Time is of current week or not.

ISPICKVAL(pse__Time_Variance_Calculation__r.pse__Date_Type__c, "Last Week")
Is_Resource_Current_User__c Is Resource Current User Fall 2020 The formula field checks whether the resource is a current user or not.

pse__Resource__r.pse__Salesforce_User__c = $User.Id
Time_Variance_Difference__c Time Variance Difference Fall 2020 The formula field calculates the difference between Work Calendar Hours and Total Hours Submitted for the Time Variance object.

pse__Work_Calendar_Hours__c - pse__Total_Hours__c
Number(18,2) false

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