Certinia - SCPQ - Estimate Approver |
Includes permission sets for job functions related to the estimate approver role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group's detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. |
SCPQEstimateApprover Changes |
Certinia - SCPQ - Estimate Product Manager |
Includes permission sets for job functions related to the estimate product manager role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group's detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. |
SCPQEstimateProductManager Changes |
Certinia - SCPQ - Estimator |
Includes permission sets for job functions related to the estimator role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group's detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. |
SCPQEstimator Changes |
SCPQ - Add from Template |
This allows the user to add records from estimate templates to estimates. |
AddFromTemplate Changes |
SCPQ - Add to Opportunity |
Push estimate details to the related opportunity. |
PushToOpportunity Changes |
SCPQ - Administrator |
Configure Services CPQ. |
SCPQAdministrator Changes |
SCPQ - Approve Estimates |
Approve or reject pending estimates. |
ApproveEstimates Changes |
SCPQ - Create Estimates |
This allows the user to create, edit and view estimates, estimate templates, and their related records with the exception of skills. |
CreateEstimates Changes |
SCPQ - Create Milestones from Line Sets |
Create milestones from line sets. |
CreateMilestonesFromLineSets Changes |
SCPQ - Create Projects from Estimates |
Create projects from estimates. |
CreateProjectsFromEstimates Changes |
SCPQ - Edit Estimates |
View and edit estimates and estimate templates, and create any related records with the exception of role skill requests. |
EditEstimates Changes |
SCPQ - Edit Price and Cost |
Edit the price and cost of estimates. |
EditPriceAndCost Changes |
SCPQ - Einstein Discovery |
Use the Einstein Discovery features within Services CPQ. |
SCPQEinsteinDiscovery Changes |
SCPQ - Estimate Products - Delete |
Delete estimate products. |
DeleteEstimateProducts Changes |
SCPQ - Estimate Products - Edit |
Edit estimate products. |
EditEstimateProducts Changes |
SCPQ - Manage Estimate Resources |
Manage resources on estimates. |
ManageEstimateResources Changes |
SCPQ - Manage Estimate Role Skill Requests |
View and edit estimate role skill requests. |
ManageEstimateRoleSkills Changes |
SCPQ - Manage Estimate Vendor Line Items |
View and edit estimate vendor line items. |
ManageEstimateVendorLineItems Changes |
SCPQ - Manage Estimated Expenses |
View and edit estimated expenses. |
ManageEstimatedExpenses Changes |
SCPQ - Manage Scoping Requirement Sets |
Create, edit, and delete scoping requirement sets and related records. |
ManageScopingRequirementSets Changes |
SCPQ - Manage Scoping Sessions |
Create, edit, and delete scoping sessions. |
ManageScopingSessions Changes |
SCPQ - Submit Estimates |
Submit estimates for approval. |
SubmitEstimates Changes |