CSC Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CreatePlaybookFromTemplateRequest extends CreateSObjectFromTemplateRequest

The request object which is passed to the service in order to create a new playbook from a template.



global CreatePlaybookFromTemplateRequest(Id templateId)

A constructor method to create a request. Requests constructed with just a template ID will clone the template in its entirety, with the exception of the following fields: csc__Objective__c, csc__Playbook_Owner__c, and csc__Stage__c. User-generated custom fields are also not cloned.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
templateId Id ID of the playbook template to be cloned.


global CreatePlaybookFromTemplateRequest(Id templateId, Map<SObjectField, Object> fieldsToPopulate)

A constructor method to create a request.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
templateId Id ID of the playbook template to be cloned.
fieldsToPopulate Map<SObjectField, Object> Key-value pairs denoting initial field values for the resulting playbook.


global CreatePlaybookFromTemplateRequest(Id templateId, Map<SObjectField, Object> fieldsToPopulate, Map<SObjectType, Set<Id>> relatedRecordsIdMap)

A constructor method to create a request.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
templateId Id ID of an existing playbook template to be cloned.
fieldsToPopulate Map<SObjectField, Object> Key-value pairs denoting initial field values for the resulting playbook.
relatedRecordsIdMap Map<SObjectType, Set<Id>> Key-value pairs denoting selected Ids of related SObjects for cloning.
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