Services CPQ API Developer Reference


global with sharing class EstimateProductCopyRequest

A request class that houses the response for the ffscpq.ActionAddEstimateProducts invocable method. For the response class, see EstimateProductCopyResponse.


Name Type Description
EstimateId Id The estimate to copy the estimate product to.
EstimateProductId Id The estimate product to be copied.
EstimateProductInstanceBillingType String [Optional] The billing type for the copied estimate product instance. Must be 'Fixed Price' or 'Time and Materials'. If this is not provided the estimate product's default billing type is used.
EstimateProductInstanceFixedPriceMargin Decimal [Optional] The fixed price margin for the copied estimate product instance. If the billing type is specified as 'Fixed Price', this parameter is mandatory. If the billing type is specified as 'Time and Materials' or is not provided, this parameter is not used.
Name String [Optional] The name for the copied estimate product instance. If this is not provided the estimate product's name is used.
StartDate Date [Optional] The start date of the copied estimate product instance will be offset relative to this date. If this is not provided the estimate's start date is used.
CurrencyIsoCode String [Optional] The currency of the copied estimate product instance. If this is not provided the estimate's currency is used.
RegionOverride Id [Optional] The region of the copied role requests. This will override the region specified on the source estimate product.
PracticeOverride Id [Optional] The practice of the copied role requests. This will override the practice specified on the source estimate product.
GroupOverride Id [Optional] The group of the copied role requests. This will override the group specified on the source estimate product.



global EstimateProductCopyRequest()

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