Task Management Settings

You can control the PSA behavior of project tasks and project edit locking using the fields in the Task Management Settings custom setting.

Key: O = Obsolete.





Auto Create Task Assignments All or None  

When selected, errors are ignored when creating assignments, or when assignment milestones and project task assignment records are created.

When this is deselected, if there are errors when creating assignments or assignment milestones, project task assignment records are not created and the process is rolled back.

This only applies if the Automatically Create Task Assignment field is selected.

Auto Remove Task Assignments All or None  

When selected, errors are ignored when deleting assignments, or when assignment milestones and project task assignment records are deleted.

When this is deselected, if there are errors when deleting assignments or assignment milestones, project task assignment records are not deleted and the process is rolled back.

This only applies if the Automatically Remove Task Assignment field is selected.

Automatically Create Task Assignment  

When selected, unassigned project tasks that belong to the same milestone as the assignment are assigned automatically when assigning a resource to a project.

For example, when you assign a resource to a project with the Milestone field completed, a project task assignment is created for that resource.

Automatically Remove Task Assignment  

When selected, project task assignments are removed when resources or milestones are removed, or the milestones are no longer associated with that assignment.

For example, the Milestone field on the assignment is cleared and the resource has no other assignments on that project with the same milestone. If the Milestone field on an assignment is changed and the Automatically Create Task Assignments field is selected, the original project task assignment is deleted and another project task assignment is created for the new assignment milestone.

Default Task Ordering   Controls how tasks are ordered in Project Task Gantt when it is initially loaded or refreshed. This sorts the tasks by their start date, when set. If no start date is set, the tasks are sorted by the date on which they were created. If you change the value, the value that you enter must be valid after a SOQL ORDER BY clause. "Start_Date_Time__c ASC NULLS LAST, CreatedDate ASC"
Project Task Scheduling   Can contain a value of Retain Past Schedules, which sets the scheduling strategy to be used when moving project task dates. When blank, schedules respect the auto-recalculate-schedule-for-assignments configuration option, if it is set to true. Blank
PT/PTA/PTD Require Lock Fieldset  

Defines the API name of a field set that you can optionally create on the project task, project task assignment, or project task dependency object. The field sets can contain additional custom fields that can only be edited if the user has an edit lock for the parent project.

Note: Only populate these settings if you want to include additional custom task fields in the project edit locking feature. For more information, see Configuring Project Edit Locking.
Recalculate Actual Hours Batch Size   The number of records to process in a single Calculate Actual Hours on Project Tasks batch. 10
Recalculate Project Tasks Batch Size   The number of records to process in a single Recalculate Project Tasks batch. 10
Restrict Edit - End Date - Milestone  

When selected, you cannot save changes to a task end date that is later than the milestone target date.

When deselected, you can save changes to the task end date regardless of the milestone target date.

Note: If you enable this setting, we recommend that you select the Alerts - Task dates - Milestone field in the Project Task Gantt Preferences custom setting.
Restrict Edit - End Date - Project  

When selected, you cannot save changes to a task end date that is later than the project end date.

When deselected, you can save changes to the task end date regardless of the project end date.

Note: If you enable this setting, we recommend that you select the Alerts - Task dates - Project field in the Project Task Gantt Preferences custom setting.
Restrict Edit - PTA - Dates  

When selected, you cannot save changes to a task end date that is outside the range of the project task assignment dates.

When deselected, you can save changes to the task end date regardless of the project task assignment dates.

Note: If you enable this setting, we recommend that you select the Alerts - Task dates - PTA dates dates field in the Project Task Gantt Preferences custom setting.
Restrict Edit - PTA - Hours  

When selected, you cannot save changes to a task end date that is outside the range of the project task assignment hours.

When deselected, you can save changes to the task end date regardless of the project task assignment hours.

Note: If you enable this setting, we recommend that you select the Alerts - Task hours - PTA hours field in the Project Task Gantt Preferences custom setting.
Restrict Edit - Start Date - Milestone  

When selected, you cannot save changes to a task start date that is earlier than the milestone start date.

When deselected, you can save changes to the task start date regardless of the milestone start date.

Note: If you enable this setting, we recommend that you select the Alerts - Task dates - Milestone field in the Project Task Gantt Preferences custom setting.
Restrict Edit - Start Date - Project  

When selected, you cannot save changes to a task start date that is earlier than the project start date.

When deselected, you can save changes to the task start date regardless of the project start date.

Note: If you enable this setting, we recommend that you select the Alerts - Task dates - Project field in the Project Task Gantt Preferences custom setting.
Timecard Statuses  

Timecard statuses included in the calculation of actual hours for project tasks. If blank, all timecard statuses are included in the calculation.

You can add comma separated values in this field, with or without spaces. Examples:

  • Approved,Submitted
  • Approved, Submitted
Track Points History Disabled   When selected, changes to Points Complete and Points Remaining fields are not tracked. Selected