About Combining Similar Timecards


See the Combine Similar Timecards setting to enable this feature.

When your administrator has enabled the Combine Similar Timecards feature, timecard lines containing the same combination of the following are merged into one timecard line and all notes are combined:

  • Assignment
  • Billable
  • Location
  • Methodology
  • Milestone
  • Phase
  • Project
  • Resource
  • Travel
  • Week

Combining Similar Timecards in Time Entry Task Time Entry Mode


See the Task Time Entry Mode setting to enable task entry.

When you save or submit in the Time Entry page in Task Time Entry Mode:

  • Similar timecard lines are combined into one line.
  • Task summary hours in daily cells show the sum of the task hours entered for each line.
  • Project/assignment hours are updated depending on the Task Time Entry Mode.
  • Daily task notes are concatenated up to the limit of 255 characters and separated by a space followed with a hash (#).
  • Day notes fields are combined and set to the values of the first timecard line included in an aggregated timecard line.
  • Task-level fields are combined and set to the values of the first timecard row included in an aggregated timecard line.