SCM to FAM Fields

To assist with the SCM - FFA Capital Expenditure Integration, the following fields have been added to the AP voucher ad Product Group objects in SCM, and the Fixed Asset object in FAM.

AP Voucher and Product Group Objects

AP Voucher Fields

Field Name Description
Accounting Date The date that the payable invoice related to the AP voucher is posted. When a purchase invoice is posted to Certinia Accounting, the date posted displays in the Accounting Date field on the AP Voucher header.

AP Voucher Line Fields

Field Name Description
Capital Equipment Fixed asset numbers, comma-separated, related to the AP voucher Line.
Is Capital Equipment Indicates whether the FAM records will be created for associated AP voucher lines. This checkbox is selected as default.

The Capital Equipment field is a long text area on the AP Voucher line that holds the fixed asset numbers, comma-separated of the fixed asset records related to the AP Voucher line.

The Is Capital Equipment field is a checkbox that, when selected, enables the creation of a Fixed Asset Management record. By default this checkbox is selected.

Product Group Fields

Field Name Description
Asset Group A logical grouping of fixed assets. Examples of asset groups include facility equipment, information technology or vehicles. Asset groups determine the appropriate groupings to use in fixed asset management.
Asset Sub-group A further grouping of fixed assets. For example, if you have the asset group information technology, you might create asset-sub groups of printers, copiers and employee computing. Asset sub groups along with asset groups determine the appropriate groupings to use in fixed asset management.

Fixed Asset Object Fields

Field Name Description
Foundations AP Voucher Line Correlation The AP voucher correlation key used within Foundations. Used by the Capital Expenditure Integration to create Fixed Assets from SCM. Maximum length is 255 characters.
Serial Number ID The Manufacturer Serial Number for assets created by the FAM Capital Expenditure Integration. Maximum length is 20 characters.