Custom Settings

Key - * This custom setting is protected.



HMRC Endpoint Settings (FF) * Manages both the HMRC Endpoint for the VAT Return and the Certinia Endpoint for the redirection from HMRC. This setting is used if the HMRC or the redirection server URL changes.
HMRC Security Settings (FF) * Manages the VAT Reporting security settings for the HMRC submission process.
VAT Report Settings (FF) Setting related to VAT Report Generation.
VAT Return Batch Settings (FF) Settings to control the behavior of the VAT Return Batches in Accounting.

HMRC Security Settings (FF)

The following fields are included in this custom setting.

Custom Setting



HMRC Security Settings (FF) *

Browser Do Not Track If the Do Not Track option is enabled on the browser or not. If this option is enabled it should be true, false if it's not.
Browser Plugins List of installed browser plugins.
Connection Method The connection method used for the request.
JavaScript User Agent Returns the JavaScript-reported user agent string from the originating device.
Version of VAT Reporting The version of VAT Reporting.
Public IP Public IP address.
Screen Dimensions Information related to the originating device's screen.
Timestamp The date and time the connection to HMRC began.
Timezone The local timezone of the originating device, expressed as UTC±<hh>:<mm>.
User ID A key-value data structure containing the user identifiers.
Window Dimensions The number of pixels of the window on the originating device in which the user initiated the API call to HMRC.

VAT Report Settings (FF)

The following fields are included in the Custom Settings

Custom Setting



VAT Report Settings (FF)

EC Sales List Report Name List of EC sales report.
VAT Breakdown Report Name Name of the VAT breakdown report.
VAT Report Email Template Email template used to send VAT Report completion email.

VAT Return Batch Settings (FF)

The following field is included in this custom setting.

Custom Setting



VAT Return Batch Settings (FF)

VAT Return Generator Batch Scope

The number of transactions that the background VAT Return reporting process can handle in a single batch. The default value is 200. The maximum number of transactions permitted are 2000.


Note: The VAT Return Report process might generate an error message for too many query rows in the VAT Return Generator Batch. For more information, on how to reduce the VAT Return Generator Batch Scope size, see VAT Return Batch Settings.