Canceling a Cash Entry

If you have created a cash entry in error and want to cancel it, you must create a cash entry of the opposite type with the reverse sign, then post it and match it against the original cash entry.


Transaction 1 = Receipt 50.00

Cancel 1 = Refund -50.00

Transaction 2 = Payment -100.00
Cancel 2 = Payment refund 100.00

The Cancel Cash Entry button on the Cash Entry Detail page does this for you. When you click this button, you can enter a reference and description, and modify the period if necessary. When you confirm the action, the canceling cash entry is posted and matched against the original one. The description on the canceling cash entry is in the format: Canceling cash entry number CSH000000 (your description).

The canceling cash entry has a link to the Original Cash Entry Number, and the original cash entry has a link to the Canceling Cash Entry Number.

To cancel a cash entry in Lightning, click Cancel Cash Entry on the upper right corner of the Cash Entry page. You can cancel the cash entries with the "Complete" status only.

Note: To view the Cancel Cash Entry button ensure your administrator has the correct override property. Your administrator must go to Setup | Object Manager | Cash Entry | Buttons, Links, and Actions. Click View. Next to Salesforce Classic Override Default ensure "c2g:codacashentryview" is selected.

Note that you cannot cancel:

  • Complete or partial matched cash entries.
  • Cash entries that have already been canceled.
  • Cash entries that have more than one account. You must cancel such cash entries manually.