Creating a Recurring Purchase Order

You can create recurring purchase orders from:

  • Approved purchase orders, whether they are internal or drop ship purchase orders.
  • Active purchase contracts.

When creating a recurring purchase order, a number of purchase orders reflecting a recurring purchase are created. These new purchase orders are created with a status of "Approved". The recurring settings that you specify for the recurring purchase order determine the number of purchase orders to be created and the time between each order. They also determine the Purchase Order Date field on the recurring purchase orders as well as the following date fields on the recurring purchase order line items:

  • Requested Delivery Date
  • Supplier Commitment Date
  • Supplier Current Promise Date

For example, if you create 2 recurring purchase orders with a recurrence period of a week and a recurrence interval of 3, the date fields listed above are set to the current date for the first purchase order. For the second purchase order, a period of three weeks is added to the current date and reflected in those fields.

When creating a recurring purchase order from an active purchase contract, you can also specify a start date for the recurrences. This means you can indicate the date when you want the first purchase order to be created. This date is then used to populate the Purchase Order Date field on that first purchase order. The date on the rest of the purchase orders is calculated based on this start date alongside the recurrence period, recurrence interval, and number of recurrences. This start date also determines the dates on the purchase order line items, the Requested Delivery Date, Supplier Commitment Date, and Supplier Current Promise Date fields are calculated similarly. For more information, see Creating a Recurring Purchase Order from an Active Purchase Contract.

  • Recurring purchase orders created from an approved purchase order have the same record type value as the original purchase order by default.
  • Recurring purchase orders created from an active purchase contract have an Approved Internal Purchase Order record type value by default.

Creating a Recurring Purchase Order from an Approved Purchase Order

To create recurring purchase orders, you must fill in the fields in the Recurring Settings section of the source purchase order. You can do this:

  • At the time you are creating the purchase order.
  • After the purchase order has been approved by clicking Edit on the purchase order and then completing the fields.

You can find below a detailed description of the steps required.

To create recurring purchase orders:

  1. On the Recurring Settings section of the purchase order, select the Recurring Purchase Order? checkbox.
  2. Select the Recurrence Period from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the required Recurrence Interval.
  4. Enter the Number of Recurrences required.
  5. Click Save.
  6. If the purchase order has not been approved yet, click Submit for Approval.
    Note: You can only create recurring purchase orders for purchase orders that have a status of "Approved".
  7. Once the purchase order is approved, click Create Recurring Purchase Orders. A confirmation message displays. Using Classic:Closed Once the purchase order is approved, click Create Recurring POs. A confirmation page opens.
  8. Click Create. Using Classic:Closed Click Yes and then click Back.

Creating a Recurring Purchase Order from an Active Purchase Contract

You can create a recurring purchase order from an active purchase contract as follows:

  1. Click the Purchase Contracts tab.
  2. Open the active purchase contract you want to create a recurring purchase order from.
  3. Click New Recurring Purchase Order. The New Recurring Purchase Order window opens.
  4. In the Recurrence Start Date field, specify the date when you want the first purchase order to be created. This date must be within the purchase contract's date range. If the purchase contract has a start date of today or later than today, this field automatically populates with the purchase contract's start date.
  5. In the Ship to Warehouse field, select the warehouse that you want to ship the orders to. If a warehouse was indicated on the purchase contract, this field automatically populates with the value specified on the contract.
  6. In the Recurring Interval field, enter the recurring interval for the purchase orders.
  7. In the Recurring Period field, select the recurring period for the purchase orders.
    Note: The recurrence period and the recurrence interval value determine the time between each recurring purchase order. For example, if you specify a recurring interval of 1 and select Month as the recurring period, the time between each recurring purchase order will be one month.
  8. In the Number of Recurrences field, enter the total number of purchase orders that you want to create.
  9. Click Next.
  10. If you want certain lines to be considered as one-off and only included in the first created purchase order, deselect these lines.
  11. If you want certain lines to be excluded from all the purchase orders, delete these lines. For more information, see Deleting Lines.
  12. In the Quantity column, enter or modify quantities for the lines as required.
  13. Click Save.
  • The lines displayed correspond to the active purchase contract lines on the contract that you are creating the recurring purchase order from.
  • The quantity that you specify for a purchase order line must not exceed the quantity in the Maximum Quantity to Order field of its associated purchase contract line. In the same way, the total amount for the specified quantity must not exceed the amount in the Maximum Amount to Order field of the associated contract line.
  • If a line has errors, click Error Icon to display the error message.

When you create recurring purchase orders from a purchase contract, the Purchase Contract field on the purchase orders and the Purchase Contract Line field on the purchase order lines are automatically populated with the values of the originating purchase contract and purchase contract lines.

The Recurrence Start Date, Recurring Interval, Recurring Period, and Number of Recurrences fields determine the dates of the recurring purchase orders (Purchase Order Date field) and their line items (Requested Delivery Date, Supplier Commitment Date, and Supplier Current Promise Date fields). When completing these fields, ensure the dates on your recurring purchase orders won't be after the end date of the associated purchase contract.

In the same way, purchase order line items can't have dates which are after the end date of their associated purchase contract lines. To correct any possible errors related to dates on the purchase orders or their line items, you will have to adjust the combination of values that you are using for the Recurrence Start Date, Recurring Interval, Recurring Period, and Number of Recurrences fields.

Deleting Lines

You can delete any of the displayed lines so that they are excluded from all the purchase orders to be created. To do this:

  1. Click Drop-down arrow. in the row of the line that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.