Billing Events to Sales Invoices or Credit Notes

PSA – Accounting Connector enables you to pass your billing data from PSA to Accounting. After creating sales invoices from released billing events, you can issue the invoices to your customer and bill the services that have been provided, without needing to enter duplicate data.

Similarly, when you want to rectify errors on a previous invoice, you can create a sales credit note from a billing event. PSA – Accounting Connector determines this from the Summary Amount field. Billing events that have a positive summary amount value are created as sales invoices. Billing events with a negative summary amount value are created as sales credit notes in Accounting.

For more information on each of these objects, see the following:


If the Billing Events to Billing Documents Integration is configured in your org, you cannot use PSA – Accounting Connector to create sales invoices and credit notes from billing events. For more information, see Creating Billing Documents for Billing Events.

Which Billing Events are Eligible for Creating Sales Invoices and Sales Credit Notes?

For a billing event to be passed to Accounting, all of the following must be true:

  • The Released field must be selected. This does not apply if you are creating sales invoices and credit notes from the Billing Events Awaiting Release page. For more information, see Creating Sales Invoices and Credit Notes from Billing Events Awaiting Release.
  • The Account field must be defined.
  • The Company field must be defined.
  • The Billing Event Currency field must be defined.
  • The Invoiced field must not be selected.
  • The Services Product field must be defined for all the billing event items related to the billing event.
  • At least one of the related billing event items must be eligible for creating a sales invoice or credit note line item. By default, PSA – Accounting Connector does not filter out any billing event items. Depending on how your org is configured, additional item-level restrictions might apply.

Your administrator might have configured additional requirements.

Depending on how your org is set up, the following fields might also be required when releasing a billing event:

  • Account
  • Company
  • Billing Event Currency
  • Services Product on the related billing event items

Which Fields Are Automatically Populated for a Billing Event Record?

When you generate a billing event, PSA – Accounting Connector automatically populates the following fields so that you do not need to enter the repetitive data:

  • Account: set from the related project.
  • Company: set from the related project. Depending on your configuration, the company is populated from the region, practice, or group related to the project.
  • Billing Event Currency: set to the Accounting currency linked to the company that has the same ISO code as the Currency field on the billing event.

How is the Services Product Field Populated for a Billing Event Item Record?

When you generate a billing event, PSA – Accounting Connector automatically populates the Services Product field on each of the billing event item records, based on the Services Product field defined on the business records. If the product isn't defined for a business record, the value of its parent record is used. If the product also isn't defined for the parent record, then its parent record's value is used. If none of the records in the hierarchy have the Services Product field defined, then the product defined for the project is used. The following table provides a summary of the hierarchy.

Sources for Auto-populating the Product Services Field
Business Record

Parent 1

Parent 2

Parent 3

Parent 4

Expense Expense Report Assignment Milestone Project
Timecard Assignment Milestone Project  
Milestone Project      
Miscellaneous Adjustment Project      
Budget Project      

How Can I Create Sales Invoices and Sales Credit Notes from Billing Events?

You can create a sales invoice or credit note from a billing event in several ways:

How Does the Automatically Pass to Accounting Functionality Work?

When the Automatically Pass to Accounting field is selected for a billing event, the record is passed to Accounting as soon as it becomes eligible. That means that you don't need to manually click Create Invoices/Credits from the record's detail page or the list view, nor wait for the next execution of the scheduled job.

For example, a billing event has a summary amount of $100, is linked to a valid account and a valid company, and its items have a service product defined. With Automatically Pass to Accounting selected, as soon as the billing event is released, PSA – Accounting Connector creates a matching sales invoice.

If multiple billing events with the Automatically Pass to Accounting field selected become eligible at the same time, they are processed in a background job. This might also happen for a single billing event, depending on the number of billing event items that it contains. Once the process finishes, an email notification is sent to the user who triggered the changes that made the records eligible. The email is also sent to any additional email addresses defined by your administrator (see Additional Notification Recipients). The email contains the number of successfully processed records and the number of billing events that could not be passed to Accounting (if any). The email also has a link to the relevant process run record. The process run contains log entries for each record that was processed.


Depending on how your org is set up, the following might apply:

  • The Automatically Pass to Accounting field might be selected automatically, by a background process.
  • A different, possibly custom field might be used instead of Automatically Pass to Accounting to control this behavior. For more information, see BE Auto Pass to Accounting Field and contact your administrator.

What Information is Passed from a Billing Event to Accounting?

The following table lists how fields on the Billing Event object map to the relevant fields on the Sales Invoice and Sales Credit Note objects.


Your administrator might have changed the default mappings or added custom mappings.

Default Mappings between Billing Event Fields and Sales Invoice / Credit Note Fields

Billing Event Field

Sales Invoice Field

Sales Credit Note Field

Account Account Account
Billing Event Currency Invoice Currency Credit Note Currency
Company Company Company
Currency Currency Currency
ID Billing Event Billing Event
Project > Engagement Engagement Engagement

Once an Accounting document is created from a billing event, the following fields are updated on the billing event:

  • Invoiced is selected.
  • Invoice Number is set to the Invoice Number or Credit Note Number value of the Accounting document.
  • Invoice Date is set to the Invoice Date or Credit Note Date value of the Accounting document.

When a billing event is passed to Accounting, its items are also passed as line items for the document.

The following table lists how fields on the Billing Event Item object map to the relevant fields on the Sales Invoice Line Item and Sales Credit Note Line Item objects.

Default Mappings between Billing Event Item Fields and Sales Invoice / Credit Note Line Item Fields

Billing Event Item Field

Sales Invoice Line Item Field

Sales Credit Note Line Item Field

Accounting Line Description (enhanced mode)

Description (legacy mode)

Line Description Line Description
ID Billing Event Item Billing Event Item
Quantity Quantity Quantity
Services Product Product Name Product Name
Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price