Using the Project Task Board

Provided an administrator has added it to the page, the Project Task Board shows the status of the following by default:

  • From a project record page: all project tasks for the current project.
  • From an app page, such as a workspace: project tasks you own or are assigned to, and all project tasks on the projects you manage.

The status values displayed in the column headings (for example, Draft, Planned), reflect the picklist values that are set on the Status field on the Project Task object.

To expand and collapse a column, click the arrow in the column heading.

Tasks are regularly updated so that you always see the latest information.


The value above the board denotes the number of tasks and includes tasks without a status that are not displayed on the board.

Tasks marked as completed more than 10 days ago (based on the actual end date on the task), are not displayed on the board.

If you reorder tasks within a column, the order you specify is only retained temporarily. For example, when you refresh your browser or switch between projects, the tasks revert to the original order.

If you hover your mouse over a project task, a tooltip shows additional information, such as start and end date, assigned resources, any associated WBSClosed Work Breakdown Structure element number, and so on. Details you don't have permission to view are omitted from the tooltip.

Changing the Status of a Project Task

To change the status of an individual task, drag it into the column that represents the new status. Status changes are saved automatically.

To change the status of multiple consecutive tasks at the same time:

  1. Drag your mouse over the tasks to highlight them.
  2. Drag the tasks into the column that represents the new status on the Project Task Board.

To change the status of multiple non-consecutive tasks at the same time:

  1. Click a task to highlight it.
  2. Hold down Command (Mac) or Ctrl (PC) and click each task.
  3. Drag the tasks into the column that represents the new status on the Project Task Board.

Editing a Project Task

To edit a project task from the Project Task Board, double-click the task. If this function is not available, contact your administrator.