Project Gantt Lightning Component Properties

This table lists the fields available in the Properties panel of the Lightning App Builder for the Project Gantt Lightning component.

Project Gantt Component Properties
Field Description Default Value
Pixel Height The component height in pixels. You can enter a value from 100 to 10,000 pixels. 400 pixels
Label The title that is displayed on the component. Gantt
Allow Export If selected, the Export button is displayed on the component. For more information on exporting data from Gantt on a project record to Microsoft Project, see Exporting Data to Microsoft Project. Selected
Show Critical Path If selected, the Button to show critical path button is displayed on the component. For more information, see Viewing Gantt from a Project Record. Selected
Custom Columns Field Set

The field set on the Project Task object that contains the custom fields to display as columns in the Project Gantt Lightning component.


The Owner and Work Calendar fields are not supported.

You can use an existing field set or create a new one. For more information, see Project Task Field Sets and Project Task Assignment Field Sets.

If None is selected, or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, the following columns are still displayed. Name, Assigned Resources.
