PSA Project Burnup Dashboard

The PSA Project Burnup dashboard enables you to:

  • View project scope and how much work has been delivered and billed.
  • Compare your projects' billings to the budget over the duration of the project.
  • Compare your projects' hours to the project planned hours over the duration of the project.
  • Get a breakdown of your project's billed hours, milestones, expenses, and miscellaneous adjustments by month

The dashboard is created as part of the PS Cloud Core Analytics app and displays data from the Billings dataset. For more details of the fields used by the PSA Project Burnup dashboard, see Billings Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields.

PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Guide

The charts in the PSA Project Burnup dashboard group the estimates vs actuals (EVAs) data from the billings dataset using their related time period type. By default the dashboard gives preference to the month time period type, and if this is not available it uses the following priority:

  1. Month (Default)
  2. Week
  3. Quarter
  4. Year
  5. Other

The dashboard contains the following elements.

PSA Project Burnup dashboard schematic highilghting the key elements of the dashboard.

PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Elements (Billings View)

Element Number




Referenced Calculation

Source Dataset

1. Budget

Total amount of the project’s budget records, including the following budget types and their respective change requests:

  • Customer Purchase Order
  • Vendor Purchase Order
  • Work Order

The change requests for each type contributes to the total cumulative budget. For example, the budget for a project with a budget type of customer purchase order is 50,000 USD. If you add a customer purchase order change request for 10,000 USD, the total cumulative budget of 60,000 USD is displayed on the dashboard.

Filtered by Type = ”Budget” Measure = Billings Value, Group by Subtype

Type Is a calculated field which defines the record type of a record in the Billings Dataset. For example, Budget, Est v Actuals, Expense, Milestone,Misc Adjustments, or Timecard.


Billings Value Is a field which is calculated differently depending on which Type of record is used. For Expenses, Misc. Adjustments, and Budgets, this is the Amount field. For Milestones. this is the Milestone Amount field. For Timecards, this is the timecard split's Total Billable Amount field. For Estimates Vs. Actuals, when the Scheduled Bill Rate is Daily Rate field is selected then this is the Scheduled Bill Rate multiplied by estimated Days field. Otherwise, this is the scheduled bill rate multiplied by the value of the Estimated Hours field.



See Billings Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields for more information.

2. Projected Total projected billings amount for the project. Actual + Scheduled See detail for Actual and Scheduled below.  
3. Actual Actuals to date on project, broken down on the bar by timecards, milestones, misc adjustments, expenses. Filtered by Subtype = “Actual” Measure = Billings Value Group by Type Type gives you the breakdown of type of actuals. For example, timecards, milestones, misc adjustments, expense.  
4. Scheduled Remaining scheduled (future periods only).

Filtered by Subtype = “Scheduled” Measure = Billings Value


Note: See Help topic ‘Billings Flow Intermediate Processing’ for notes on currency handling for Billings Value (ValueBillings)

Scheduled value come from Est v Actuals object type Billings value explanation: see above (1).  
5. Project Trend line graph
6. Project Currency/Corporate Currency

View project burnup data in project currency or corporate currency.

7. Budget line Shows total budget for the project including change orders. Filter by Subtype= “Budget” Measure=Billings Value Group Billings Value here is the Amount field from the budget object in PSA. 6
8. Actual line Shows cumulative actuals to date. If required, current month can be displayed as actual data. For more information on choosing your current month display, see [BAN-33432]Using the PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Configuration Page. Filter by Subtype= “Actual” Measure=Billings Value Group by End Date End Date is a field in Billings dataset which is calculated depending on what ‘type’ of record: For Timecards, the end date is the timecard split End Date field. For Expenses, the end date is the Expense Date field. For Misc. Adjustments, the end date is the Effective Date field. For Milestones, if the subtype is actual the end date is the Actual Date field. If the subtype is scheduled the end date is the Target Date field. For Estimates Vs. Actuals, the end date is the End Date field.
9. Scheduled line Shows scheduled values for future periods only. If required, current month can be displayed as scheduled data. For more information on choosing your current month display, see [BAN-33432]Using the PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Configuration Page. Filter by Subtype = “Scheduled” Measure = Billings Value Group by End Date This value is cumulative End Date explanation: see above (6)
10. Billings Distribution bar chart

Periodic view of billings amount for actuals and scheduled values.

The actuals and scheduled values include sub categories and they are the same as that of KPIs. The actuals and scheduled values include sub categories and they are the same as that of KPIs. For more information, see PSA Project Burnup Billings and Hours KPI.

Filter by Type is not “Budget” Measure = Billings Value Group by End Date (by month) and Subtype Billings Value explanation: see above (1) End Date explanation: see above (6)
Note: The Billings Distribution chart Actual and Scheduled legends consist of additional types. The Actual bar includes Expenses, Milestones, Misc Adjustments, and Timecards. The Scheduled bar includes Est Vs Actuals and Milestones. These additional types are not displayed in the Legends as well as the charts. However, you can hover over the bars in the chart to view tooltips with the breakup of the additional types.

PSA Project Burnup Dashboard Elements (Hours View)

Element Number




Referenced Calculation

Source Dataset

1. Planned Hours

Filter by Subtype = “Actual”

Measure = Total Hours Group by Type

Filter by Type=”Budget” Measure=Total Hours Total Hours is a calculated field in the Billings dataset. For Budgets, the dataflow uses the project's planned hours field. For Estimates Vs. Actuals, this is the Estimated Hours Field. For Milestones, this is the Billable Hours in Financials field. For Misc. Adjustments, and Expenses, this value is zero. For Timecards, this is the Total Hours Field. Billings
2. Projected Total projected hours for the project. Actual + Scheduled See detail for Actual and Scheduled below.  
3. Actual Total cumulative actual hours for the project.
Filter by Subtype= “Actual” Measure=Total Hours Group by Type    
4. Scheduled Total remaining scheduled hours for the project. Filter by Subtype= “Scheduled” Measure=Total Hours Group by Type    
5. Project Trend line graph

Cumulative actual hours to current period, scheduled hours for future periods of the project versus planned project hours.

Current month can be displayed as actual or scheduled data. For more information on choosing your current month display, see [BAN-33432]Using the PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Configuration Page.

Filter by Subtype= “Budget”or “Actual” or “Scheduled’ Measure=Total Hours Group by End Date  
6. Hours Distribution bar chart Periodic view of hours for actuals and scheduled values. The actuals and scheduled values include sub categories and they are the same as that of KPIs. For more information, see PSA Project Burnup Billings and Hours KPI. “Budget” Measure=Total Hours Group by End Date (by month) and Subtype  

PSA Project Burnup Buttons and Selectors

The PSA Project Burnup has the following buttons and selectors.

Project Burnup Plus Buttons and Selectors
Button or Selector Description
Corporate Currency/Project Currency Toggle this button to view the dashboard in corporate currency or project currency.
Billings Switches the type of data to display billings.
Hours Switches the type of data to display hours.
Opens the dashboard's configuration page.

PSA Project BurnupBillings and Hours KPIs

The following KPIs and KPI subcategories are listed under Billings and Hours.

Project Burnup Plus Dashboard KPI Subcategories



Planned Hours

  • Customer Purchase Order
  • Vendor Purchase Order
  • Work Order
  • Customer Purchase Order Change Request
  • Vendor Purchase Order Change Request
  • Work Order Change Request
  • Total Actual
  • Total Scheduled
  • Actual Timecards
  • Actual Expenses
  • Actual Milestones
  • Miscellaneous Adjustments
  • Estimates Vs Actuals
  • Scheduled Milestones