New Features and Enhancements in PS Cloud Analytics Summer 2023

The following new features have been introduced in the Summer 2023 release of PS Cloud Analytics.

For ease of navigation, new features and enhancements are presented separately for PS Cloud Core Analytics and PS Cloud Advanced Analytics.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to PS Cloud Analytics Summer 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Enhancements in PS Cloud Core Analytics

The following new features have been introduced in the Summer 2023 release of PS Cloud Core Analytics.

Dataset Enhancements

In this release, we have made several enhancements to the following:

Task Time Reporting in PS Cloud Core Analytics

Project Reporting dataset now supports Task Time reporting. A new object type Task Time has been included.

This object type helps you to perform the following:

  • Allows reporting of time booked against tasks by date, and can be grouped by day, week and month.
  • View task time by resource, milestone and project and compare against estimated time for the task.

Project Reporting Dataset

The following fields have been added to the Project Reporting Output Dataset:

  • The Actuals Template ID field of type Dimension. This field contains the ID of the Revenue Management template used for recognizing revenue and amortizing cost for a source record. Depending on how your org is set up, this can include projects, milestones, timecard splits, expenses, and miscellaneous adjustments. You can use the new field in your custom lenses and dashboards to easily identify the records that you recognize revenue or amortize cost for.
  • The EvA Actual Costs, EvA Actual Margin, EvA Scheduled Costs, and EvA Scheduled Margin calculated fields of type Measure.
  • We have changed the name of the Assignment Cost Rate field to Assignment Cost Rate (Project Currency). It specifies the cost rate of the assignment in project currency.
  • The Assignment Cost Rate field of type Measure. It specifies the cost rate of the assignment in corporate currency.
  • The Exclude from Billing field of type Dimension. It indicates whether the Milestone, Expense, Timecard, or Miscellaneous Adjustment objects have been excluded from billing generation.
  • Milestone Record Type field of type Dimension.
  • Several Task Time fields are also added.

The Task Time fields have also been added to the Project Reporting Input Dataset.

For more information, see:

Utilization Results Dataset

The following fields have been added to the Utilization Results Output Dataset:

The Resource Change, Group Reversed ID Chain, Practice Reversed ID Chain, Region Reversed ID Chain, and Resource ID fields have been added to the Utilization Results dataset. These fields can be used as filter criteria to embed customized dashboards for Region, Practice, Group, and Resource.

For more information, see:

Lenses Enhancements

The following lenses have been added for the Project Reporting Dataset:

  • Project Task Allocated and Estimated Hours
  • Task Time Actual Hours and Revenue/Cost per Project Task
  • Task Time Actual Hours per Day by Project Task and Resource

For more information, see PSA Lenses.

PS Cloud Analytics Setup Enhancements

We have added the following options to the PS Cloud Core Analytics Setup page:

  • Task Time checkbox
  • Additional Milestone Fields
  • Additional Resource Change Fields

For more information, see Creating an App from the PS Cloud Core Analytics Template.

PSA Utilization Analytics Dashboard Enhancements

The Resource picker has been added to the utilization visualization and capacity visualization options of the PSA Utilization Analytics dashboard.

For more information, see PSA Utilization Analytics Dashboard.

Enhancements in PS Cloud Advanced Analytics

The following new features have been introduced in the Summer 2023 release of PS Cloud Advanced Analytics.

Project Scheduling Risk Dashboard Enhancements

This dashboard displays a summary of the riskiest resources and roles on your projects by hours variance to scheduled hours. It helps you to track the scheduled versus actual hours variance on your projects and how it has impacted the revenue and costs for the last 13 weeks. It also helps to predict risks to project schedules for the next 13 weeks based on the hours variance for the last 13 weeks.

Clicking on a project and then the View Details button helps the project managers to see which resources and roles are causing the biggest variances of hours to scheduled hours and its impact on revenue and costs for a specific project.

You can:

  • Toggle between Project Revenue and Project Costs to view graphical trends and calculations for a specific project either based on revenue or costs.
  • Click on a project variance and click View Details to view the schedule variances by resource and role for that project.
  • Toggle between Last 13 Weeks and Next 13 Weeks to view graphical trends for a specific project.
  • Toggle between Resource and Role in the Last 13 Weeks /Next 13 Weeks tab to view graphical trends based on resource or role.

For more information, see PSA Project Scheduling Risk dashboard.