New Features and Enhancements in PSA Direct for Concur Expense Summer 2023

The following new features have been introduced in the Summer 2023 release of PSA Direct for Concur Expense.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to PSA Direct for Concur Expense Summer 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

FinancialForce is Now Certinia

We have made the following changes to align with our new Certinia brand:

  • The publisher name has been updated to Certinia
  • Package names no longer reference FinancialForce
  • In most cases, text referring to FinancialForce has been replaced with Certinia

For more information about these updates and related text changes, see the Package Name Updates article in the Certinia Community and the Technical Documentation Pack.

To learn more about our rebrand, visit the Certinia Community for a message from our CEO, Scott Brown.


Major versions include updates to both package and publisher names. In service packs, only the package name has changed. Some elements, such as theming and logos, have not been updated and other references to FinancialForce might remain visible in your org.

Dependencies on other Certinia Packages

This release of PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector requires the following Certinia package to be installed:

  • Foundations Summer 2023

You must install this package before installing or upgrading to this release of PSA Direct for Concur Expense.

Multiple Currencies Support

From this release, the PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector provides the capability to support the Salesforce Multiple Currencies feature that allows you to include multiple expense lines with different currencies in a single report for Concur Expense expenses.

If you have set up the Salesforce Multiple Currencies feature in PSA, then you can:

  • Perform the step 6 of PSA Direct for Concur Expense feature of the Feature Console and confirm whether the Salesforce Multiple Currencies have been configured or not.
  • Synchronize expense lines with different currencies within a single report.

For more information, see:

Creating Expense Reports From Expense Lines

Prior to this release, the PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector provides the creation of a single expense report in PSA from a single expense report in Concur and at the expense report level when the project, assignment, and resource are assigned.

From this release, the PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector provides a new capability to create multiple expense reports on PSA from multiple Concur expense lines matched using a combination of projects, resources, and assignments within a single Expense Report.

A new Generate Reports from Expense Lines field is added to the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings Lightning tab and PSA Direct for Concur Expense custom setting that allows you to choose whether to generate expense reports on PSA from individual Concur expense lines matched using a combination of project, resource, and assignment.

If deselected, the information from Concur expense reports is used to create individual expense reports on PSA.

For more information, see Configuring the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings.

Switching Between Expense Line and Expense Report Modes

Using the Generate Reports from Expense Lines checkbox in PSA Direct for Concur Expense custom setting, you can swap to Expense Line mode if you are currently using the standard Expense Report mode, you can switch to the Expense Line mode that allows you to create expense reports in PSA from expense lines in Concur by configuring your user interface within Concur, amending the mappings, then enabling the new Generate Reports from Expense Lines checkbox from the PSA Direct for Concur Expense custom setting. For more information, see PSA Direct for Concur Expense Custom Settings.

Managing Expense Reports and Expenses within Expense Line Mode

If the Generate Reports from Expense Lines checkbox is enabled in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense custom setting, then you can edit the PSA project, resource, or assignment (if applicable) on expense lines in Concur to generate associated PSA expense reports to which Concur expense lines are assigned.

  • If you create a single expense report in Concur with multiple expenses associated with different resources, assignments, or projects, then PSA automatically creates a separate expense report for each resource, project, and assignment group. Any updates or changes made to resources, assignments, or projects will be reflected in the expense report.
  • The generated expense reports will be automatically deleted from PSA if the last related expense line is deleted from the expense report within Concur or an amendment is made to the last expense line with the specific PSA project, resource, or assignment (if applicable).

For more information, see PSA Direct for Concur Expense Custom Settings.

Synchronize PSA Expense Images to Report

From this release, if you select the Sync Expense Images from Concur checkbox in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense custom setting and the Sync Expense Report Images from Concur checkbox is deselected, the images from Concur expenses will be synchronized to the PSA expense reports alongside the PSA expense lines.

For more information, see PSA Direct for Concur Expense Custom Settings.

Enhancements to PSA Direct for Concur Expense Queue Status

We have made the following enhancements to the PSA Dir for Concur Expense Queue Status tab:

  • View the processing message that contains an error, information, or warning.
  • View the data of the event from the Event Data column.
  • Sort events by start date in descending order.

For more information, see PSA Direct for Concur Expense Queue Status.

Counter Added to Expense Report Names

All new expense reports created using the Expense Line mode now have the same Concur expense report name. A counter has been added to the end of the synchronized name. This counter distinguishes between expense reports and follows the format of "- X", where "X" represents the numerical value assigned to the report. For example, the first newly created expense report will have "- 1" added to its name.

For more information, see:

Enhancements to PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings Tab

To make navigation easier, we have aligned and rearranged the fields. The fields are now grouped by topic in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings tab. For more information, see Configuring the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings.


Fixes are listed on the Known Issues page of the Certinia Community. You can access this page from the Community Support Hub. For a brief description of the issues that have been fixed in this version of PSA Direct for Concur Expense, see the relevant section of the Known Issues page.