Using Macros

You can embed many of the XL Plus functions into Excel macros. For example, you can write a macro to refresh a report when you change a particular cell value. An automation object addIn.Object is supplied with XL Plus, and the calls and events associated with it are listed below. Some simple examples are provided, see Sample Code for Writing Macros.

To use this information, you should have a basic familiarity with writing macros, Visual Basic, Web services, and the Salesforce and XL Plus user interface.

addIn.Object Calls

The following calls are available with the XL Plus object:

Event calls

Event calls
Call name Description Parameters Events
RegisterSubforEvent Register a subroutine in preparation for an event subName, eventName Not applicable
UnregisterSubforEvent Unregister a subroutine to end a single event subName, eventName Not applicable
UnregisterAllSubsForEvent Unregister all subroutines eventName Not applicable

Salesforce Calls

Salesforce Calls
Call name Description Parameters Events
GetSalesforceReportDefinitionsFromServer Retrieve available report definitions from your organization None SalesforceReportServerRetrieveSuccess, SalesforceReportServerRetrieveFailure
GetSalesforceReportDefinitionsFromWorksheet Retrieve available report definitions from a worksheet in your Excel workbook None Not applicable
SetSalesforceReportDefinitionsToWorksheet Create a worksheet to hold a report definition Reportname Not applicable
ImportSalesforceReportsByID Populate the report worksheet with the data ReportID SalesforceReportRefreshSuccess, SalesforceReportRefreshFailure

Reporting Calls

Reporting Calls
Call name Description Parameters Events
GetFinancialForceReportDefinitionsFromServer Retrieve available report definitions from your organization None SalesforceReportServerRetrieveSuccess, SalesforceReportServerRetrieveFailure
GetFinancialForceReportDefinitionsFromWorksheet Retrieve available report definitions from a worksheet in your Excel workbook None Not applicable
SetFinancialForceReportDefinitionsToWorksheet Create a worksheet to hold a report definition Reportname Not applicable
ImportFinancialForceReportsByID Populate the report worksheet with the data ReportID SalesforceReportRefreshSuccess, SalesforceReportRefreshFailure