About the Allocation Scheduler

ERP Cloud
Note: Allocation Scheduler is only available for single company allocations, and not cross-company allocations.

The Allocation Scheduler allows you to run one or more allocation templates at specified intervals. See Creating an Allocation Schedule for information about how to create an allocation schedule.

The following rules apply when editing, loading and running allocation schedules:

  • You can only run active allocation schedules.
  • Only complete allocation templates can be added to a schedule.
  • If the allocation schedule includes templates with multiple companies, you must have permission to access all the companies selected on the templates, and you must have View All Data and Modify All Data permissions (typically system administrators have these permissions).
  • If you are in single-company mode, you can load and run single-company templates for that company or you can run multi-company templates providing you have the necessary permissions.
  • If you are in multi-company mode, you cannot run single-company templates but you can load and run multi-company templates providing you have the necessary permissions.
  • If you have no current companies selected, you cannot run single-company templates but you can load and run multi-company templates providing you have the necessary permissions.
  • You may be unable to edit a schedule if your currently selected companies are different from the companies that were selected when the schedule was created, or if you do not have permission to access the companies.
  • If you select a template that generates journals with a zero decimal place currency and the following conditions are met, the process may fail. You then have to amend the journals and post them manually. The conditions are:
    • The Flexible Decimal Places feature is enabled.
    • The journal period is in FY01 or a following financial year.
    • The journal contains decimal values other than .00.

When the Allocation Scheduler runs, you are notified by email of its success or failure. If there are any errors, follow the link to the scheduler log. This will provide you with more information about why the schedule failed.

If you try to change the current company while any Allocation Scheduler Apex jobs have a status of "Queued", "Preparing", "Processing" or "Holding" and they aren't on the ignored list (defined in custom settings), then the application will return an error message.
When viewing the error logs, even when a batch contains multiple errors only one error is shown.

If an error occurs, the Allocation Scheduler stops processing and no transactions are posted. The most likely reason for a failure is incomplete or invalid information on a template. Check and edit your templates before trying again.


When the schedule contains more than one template, it is called a chain. It is important to understand that the transactions created by running the first template are available for retrieval by the second template, those created by the second template are available to the third and so on. It is worth bearing this cascading behavior in mind when deciding on the order of the templates in the list. Use the Sort column to reorder the sequence of templates.