Allocation Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the interface elements on the Allocation pages.

Allocation Template Bar

Element Description
Select Template Enables you to select from the list of existing allocation templates you can load. Disabled in Proportional Allocations.
Load Loads filter and distribution criteria from the selected allocation templateClosed. Disabled in Proportional Allocations.
Save Saves the current allocation details as an allocation template. Disabled in Proportional Allocations.
Opens the related Accounting Help topic.
Maximizes or restores the page in your browser window.
We recommend that you maximize the Allocation pages to make it as easy as possible to see all the details.


Button Description
Back Return to the previous step in the allocation process.
Next Continue to the next step in the allocation process.
Create Create the allocations now.

Retrieve Source

Method of Allocation

Proportional Basis Configuration

Statistical Basis Configuration

